Chapter 2

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I arrive at the bookstore about thirty minutes early and nod at the clerk who smiles at me. I ask him for a Caramel cold brew and a cheese danish. I found a nice corner nook to sit in. I don't have to wait long when Namjoon walks in. The breath in my body leaves and I feel all the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. He's in a long sleeve t shirt and jeans that fit him perfectly, the shirt accentuates his pecs and my mouth waters. I watch as he scans the room looking for me and when he sees me, he smiles. As he walks to my table, he takes his sunglasses off and sits across from me.

"Hi," he says in a rich deep voice, "I'm Kim Namjoon, I see you got my note. I was worried because the clerk looked at me like I was trying to do you bodily harm."

"Alana Daniels and yes I did " I say with a lazy smile.

He laughs as the clerk brings my order and sets it in front of giving me a look, I smiled and said, "Its ok." He nods and leaves.

"He's ok now?" Namjoon asks.

"He just wanted to make sure this single woman wasn't being harassed. I'm thankful for it though. It makes me feel good that people still care like that."

Namjoon nods and smiles as I take a bit of my danish and close my eyes and enjoy the flavor on my tongue. I've never had one like this with a little lemon in it. I love the zing of citrus. When i open my eyes, he is staring at me, and I see heat in his eyes. I lick my lips to give myself time to get it together. I clear my throat and say. "So, were soulmates?"

"That's what this clematis flower seems to think."

I give him a blank look. "Thats what this is?"

"I did a little digging last night."

"Ok, but what do you think?" I say sitting back in my chair.

"I think we should talk and find out if it's right."

We spend a few hours talking not realizing how late in the day it is getting when my stomach growls so loud that I feel everyone around us can hear it.

"Sounds like my babe's hungry", he says with a smile.

"I should warn you now, I have a healthy appetite," I say with a smirk trying to see if my weight is a problem because I don't want to repeat the same problems again.

"That should bother me why? I like a woman with a healthy appetite, and I know just the place to go. Care to join me?" He says as he stands and holds out his hand for mine.

I take his hand and we leave the bookstore. We walk the maze of streets in a comfortable silence. I'm just enjoying the warmth of his hand and wondering how I got so lucky. I'm comfortable with him and the thought of being in a relationship with him doesn't scare me. We ended up at a restaurant that I know because I've eaten here several times and the food and atmosphere are very comforting. It brings a smile to my face to know that we have similar interests and food tastes. He leads the way and asks for a booth seat in the back away from most of the other diners. The hostess looks all too eager to accommodate him. I don't like it, so I wrap my arms around his arm as we walk to our booth.

He smiles as we sit down," I see you are possessive. I like it." He says with that same smile that has me feeling all warm.

"Well, I didn't like the way she was looking at you like you were on the menu," I say slightly upset.

Just as I finish speaking the hostess comes back to take our drink orders. Where do they do that? I'm looking around for our waitress when she says, "We're a little short-staffed tonight so I'll be taking your orders." Then she turns to Namjoon and acts like im not even here.

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