Chapter 10

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"I guess meeting me was a lot for her." Hobi says.

"I'm guessing it was that and the fact that you're her soulmate too," Joonie says.

"I guessed that I might be since we're twins. I mean if we weren't then no harm but if we were meant to be it was a chance I didn't want to miss." Hobi adds

"Yoongi, you almost killed her, are you happy?" says Jimin.

"I didn't almost kill her Jimin, I gave her what she wanted. I'm pretty sure she's grateful." Suga says.

"Trust me I am," I say as I sit up. I look around the room and realize I'm in my room at home.

The guys all turned to me with smiles on their faces. Jimin comes to me first and hugs me. Namjoon follows behind him. Yoongi and Hobi stand back and wait for me to say something.

I take them in slowly. I see that Yoongi has blonde hair and Hobi has black. They're about the same height and build and have the same brown eyes.

"I assume when you say twins you mean fraternal twins. Also, why do you have different last names?" I say trying to get rid of the apprehension in Hobi's eyes.

That made Hobi give me a smile as bright as the sun. It makes my insides melt. I knew then that I always wanted to see it.

He says, "It's obvious we're fraternal. Our last names are different because somebody was bothered by my success."

Yoongi says, "Trust me I was never bothered by your success. I just didn't want to be bothered by paparazzi and your fans."

I giggle and say, "You do realize that I'm one of those fans."

Yoongi says, "You don't count. You have common sense."

"Are you saying my fans are stupid?" Hobi says feigning offense.

I interrupt them by asking, "How long was I out?"

Yoongi says, "Not long, just 2 hours."

I must have been really overloaded. I didn't drink a lot, so I know it's not alcohol. As I stretch my arms Suga sits on one side of me and Hobi sits on the other. They take my hands and I lean into Suga. I see Jimin laying across the foot of my bed and Joonie standing there looking at me intensely. I know that look, it's his we need to talk face.

"Alright Joonie, spill it. Why are you thinking so hard?" I say ready to get it over with.

"I'm just wondering how you want to handle this?" He says as the others stay quiet.

"Handle what?"

"Us. Do you want to go public with our unique relationship?"

I'm caught off guard because I wasn't expecting to have this talk just yet. I guess now is a good time because we're all here.

"Well, I talked to Jimin about it already and I told him I didn't want to make it public because I didn't want to cause problems for his career, and knowing now that Hobikins is my soulmate I feel the same for him. Joonie we were seen together in public once and the company almost imploded with gossip. I'm worried that once they find out that the president and vice president are my soulmates, they will all think I'm trying to be some type of gold digger or something." I say letting all my worries out.

"First, I love my new nickname. Second, my career shouldn't be counted because I'm getting ready to retire anyway. I've been playing tennis for 10 years. My heart's no longer in it. I want to dance, that's where my heart is so that's where I'm going." Hobi says matter of factly.

"I already told you that if you don't want me to say anything I won't, but if I am asked, I won't deny it.", says Jimin.

Suga squeezes me close and says, "It's about time you made up your mind Hobi. Lana, I don't care what the world says about us. If you want to wait, I can do that."

Everyone looks at Namjoon who raises his hand in surrender, "I was just bringing it up since we're all here. I don't care what she wants to do, nobody is going to make my baby sad about anything but that does bring up another thing."

He looks at us and says, "Jimin is famous with fans. So is Hoseok. It makes it difficult to keep coming to your place without paparazzi following them. I suggest we use my home. It's in a gated community and no one is getting in without clearance. The world knows we all are friends so no problem there."

I look at my guys. I see that they are waiting for me to reply. I do want to spend more time with them and this is the easiest way to get what I want. I tell them that it's fine with me because this way we won't be risking people leaking pictures or anything else. I just don't want to cause stress in their lives. I can tell Jimin hates it but for me, he's dealing with it.

We sat talking about the details. When I start to nod off the guy's notice and get up to leave. I walk to the door and we say our goodbyes. I'm walking back to my room when I remember I don't have to work tomorrow and I can get some extra rest. Falling asleep to the smells of all my men in my room make me want to risk it all just to keep the warmth it gives me.

All For Me (Completed)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara