Chapter 17

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When we left the banquet paparazzi were in a frenzy. I originally wanted to go home but Namjoon suggested we go to his house because we were being followed and they wouldn't be able to get past security. Now I'm sitting in the living room surrounded by my beautiful men while we try to come up with some sort of plan for work tomorrow.

"Luckily, we have secure underground parking, so paparazzi won't be able to take our pictures there," Joonie said with his serious thinking face on.

"I'm not worried about the paparazzi as much as I am about the employees at work", Yoongi said thoughtfully.

"That's why we need to show a united front. We need to show them that nothing can disrupt your focus on work and that we are an unbreakable family. You mess with one you mess with us all." Jiminie said fiercely.

"So, we all go to work? What will Jimin and I do? I mean we could always keep Lana company." Hobi said with a flirty smile.

"At this point, I don't know anything anymore. I do think that if Hobi and Jimin come it could help distract the employees from asking me any questions I don't want to answer. So, I'm good if they come." I said. I'm exhausted and say goodnight to everyone. I decided to snuggle up with Jimin and Joonie, tonight I need rest and they know it. Tomorrow is going to be a test of my patience.


"You ready? Namjoon and Yoongi went ahead to give us time to settle your nerves." Jimin asked me, smiling.

I close my eyes, take a deep breath and say "Let's do this."

We step off the elevator and all eyes are on us. Jimin smiles and waves at people. Hobi just smiles and holds my hand. Joonie turns around and opens his arms for me and I walk into them willingly. He kisses my forehead and takes a step back for Yoongi to hug me as well. He whispers, " Behave yourself today."

"I'll try," I say as I leave him and head to my office.

All eyes are on me and my guys. Jimin decides to be his publicly sexy self, which causes what I have named "The Jimin Effect". I can see blushes on women and men. When he gets like this people should hide their significant others because he is out to snatch them all. I honestly love the effect he has on people.

When we made it to my office I collapsed in my chair. I know the chatter is in full effect so I pull out my phone to check the office group chat. I don't think people realize that I am a part of it because they are speaking freely.

Amy: I guess the rumors are true?

Sarah: They are here with her so it must be true....

Nicole: Just because they're with her doesn't mean it's true. I mean who is she anyway?

Mike: They were looking at her like she's the most important thing in the world. Of course it's true.

Tim: I agree they wouldn't all show up to be with her at work if it wasn't true. Besides, shes worked with us so long and she doesnt't seem like she would make anything like this up.

Sarah: Nicole why do you have to sound so jealous? Just because the president didn't want what you were offering doesn't mean you have to be bitter.

Nicole: Who's bitter? I'm just saying they might have taken pity on her or she's sleeping her way to the top.

Amy: Nicole what they do is their business. I suggest we all get back to work and mind the business that pays you.

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