Chapter 14

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"You know we have to go in, right?" Elise says tired of waiting on me to hype myself up.

"Yes...I know. I just don't want to. You know how they're going to be." I say rubbing my temples. I feel the migraine coming on.

"That's why I'm here. Let's get this over with, we both have better things to do." She says as she gets out of the car.

"Ok Alana, we got this. You're a boss bitch with four fine ass soulmates." I say walking to the front door.

We ring the doorbell waiting to be let in. Someone I didn't know opened the door with a smile. Then I could tell they knew who i was because it dropped like it weighed a ton. "Come on in. You're Alana, right?"

"Yes I am." I say walking past her with my head held high. I know that Lina has been lying on me because of the cold treatment at the door.

The house looks nice on the outside, but the inside is chaos at its tackiest. The rooms are all decorated like she just picked them randomly from different magazines. There's no flow to it. It's like it's a showroom floor of design ideas.

It's a full house. There are family members from his side and hers. As soon as they see me there's a buzz of whispers that starts. I assume the others are people from his job that know the situation. Great, now I have to deal with this too.

Lina comes to greet us with my mother attached to her side. Both are smiling at me like they really want to see me. We all know that's a lie, she just wants to rub in my face how she has the life that I "wanted".

I smile and say, "Hello mom, Lina." I don't go in for a hug because she's not a hugger, well she's not a hugger when it comes to me.

"Alana I'm so glad that you could make it. I didn't know if you'd come considering everything that's happened." Lina says pretending to be concerned.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." I say, trying not to be bothered.

She takes my hand and leads me through the house for a tour. Elise stays right by my side because she knows my temper is short. Lina makes sure that we stop and say hello to all of her guests. I swear she's doing it on purpose to try to get under my skin and it's working. I notice my mom keeping a watchful eye on me as if I might hurt Lina. I look at Elise and she raises an eyebrow to show she sees it. I wonder what the witch has been telling the family.

Before I know it, the tour is over and we're standing by the pool.

"Isn't it lovely?" Lina asks

I smile and say, "Yes."

She turns to look into the kitchen where my mother and other members of our family are gathered. I think she's checking to see who's watching.

"You know this is all thanks to you right?" she says as she turns back to me.

"How?" I ask

"Well, if you hadn't been a subpar girlfriend he never would have fallen into my arms?"

"Bitch, I know you're not trying to start shit," Elise says with anger.

Lena holds her stomach and giggles a little then says, "Don't be mad because it's true. I've been telling you since we were kids to lose some weight. You know, he told me that's what turned him off the most."

I look at Elise because I don't believe she just said that.

"So, you're trying to tell me he stayed with me for a year and a half, and he didn't like my weight. I think you're lying to yourself." I say smiling lightly.

"You were a novelty, a trend even. He had his fun; it wore off so get over it. He knows that he can't bring you in public on his arm. That's why we got married three weeks ago and we're starting a family because he loves me and is proud to show me off."

While she's spitting venom at me, she's not paying attention to where she's walking and slips on some water. Just as she was about to fall into the pool, I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back. All the screaming she does makes everyone come running to the pool to see what's going on.

"She's trying to kill me!" She yells knowing what it must look like.

"No, I'm not," I say as my mother snatches her from me and rubs her back to calm her down.

My mother looks at me and says, "Why would you do that Lana we all saw it. Just because she married your ex and they're happy doesn't give you a reason to try to harm her and the baby."

I'm a little shocked. My mother and I don't have the best relationship, but I never would have thought that she would think I'm capable of doing something like that. I see Elise texting on her phone right before she jumps to my defense.

"Mother, she would never do anything like that. She was saving her, not trying to hurt her.

"Elise, don't make excuses for her. She's bitter and angry and we all know it. Why else would she ignore Lina? I've seen Lina trying to apologize to her, but she won't take any of her calls."

"Mom, that's because I have nothing to say to her," I say, trying to stay calm.

"Alana, I didn't raise you this way. We're family, why would you fight over a man." She says it's about Chris.

"It's not about him. It's about how as an adult I don't have to talk to anyone I don't want to. Especially if they betrayed my trust." I look around and realize my dad is nowhere to be found and it clicks.

"Where's dad?"

"He had some business to take care of and couldn't make it. Besides, even if he was here he would feel the same way." She said squaring her shoulders.

I knew what that meant. She didn't tell him I was coming or else I know he would be here and none of this would be happening. He always managed to keep her in check. I looked at Elise and she nodded to me and stepped away to call him.

Just as if someone summoned him, Chris comes storming out of the kitchen straight to Lina. He looks at me and says, "I don't understand why you won't let go. I'm happy with her and we're starting a family. Don't be bitter Alana."

I just stared at him. He has the audacity to accuse me of being bitter when he was the one that screwed me over. I was willing to come here and ignore everything because my mom asked me to come. I was trying to be the bigger person and what did that get me? I'm being attacked as if I did something and I'm innocent.

"Look, Chris. I came here out of the kindness of my heart because my mom asked me to. I didn't say anything to Lina while she was spitting venom at me while all of you guys were in the kitchen. Now that we have an audience you want to make it seem like it's me?"

I look around at everyone who's accusing me with their eyes because Lina is still crying. This is why I didn't want to go to the baby shower. I knew that she was up to something.

"I'm going to say this one time for everybody in the back. I am NOT jealous. I could care less about what you and she have going on and just so we're clear I broke up with you when I found out you were cheating on me with her. Did everybody hear that? HE CHEATED ON ME!" I yell quite done with all of this.

I see the crowd separate when a voice cuts through, "Wow, I think I missed a really good show."

I look up to Jimin. Oh god, what is he doing here? People are going to find out about us. Just great. As I'm trying to think of a way out of this he says, "Hmm, guess my services aren't needed. I was paid to perform but it looks like you have a show right here."

Lina snaps out of her crying fit at the sound of his voice to rush over to Jimin and say, "I love your dancing so much. I can't believe someone wanted to give that to me. I'm so flattered." She places her hand on his arm touching him.

He gives her his best flirty smile and says, "You shouldn't be. By the looks of your decor, you don't have enough taste to fully appreciate my dancing."

He removes her hand and walks over to me, "I'm going to have to refund you. I don't like the air where it smells......pungent. Why don't we discuss this at the office?"

He holds out his arm and I look at him with a smile. Relief and comfort flood through me when I take his arm. He came even after I made such a stink about not going public and taking care of myself. He still came. My heart swells with pride and happiness.

"Gladly," I say, walking with him through the crowd and out of the house.

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