Chapter 9 (Why Cinnamon Roll?)

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My fucking chapter part setting didn't even save when I fix it for no reason, it kinda piss me off when I try it multiple times on fixing it. So I just give up after the whole 'save', *sigh* my apologies if you become confused when reading the chapter.

Enough chit chat. Let the story begin.

Pov Random

"I will be back in next week, so behave yourself while I'm gone." Rudz said with a bag of stuff on her side, Fury call her late at night when she was working. He ask if she could taking charge of S.H.I.E.L.D for a week while he and the Avengers taking vacation at Hawai, she agreed since she know how stressful they are after protecting the world.
Why not let them rest for once? She felt bad for them after what happened in the past, especially after the war with Thanos, but he change for good now because she reason's him why he shouldn't snapped the infinity stone. She tell him how she understands how he feel about to make peace, she knew when the time he sacrifice Gamora for the soul stone. She felt bad for him because he just want peace, she was broken when she found out that Natasha sacrifice herself trying to take the stone before him.
When at the middle of war she fought him and snatch the stones from the glove, she was about to snapped her finger but stop. She though about it for a moment, she look at him with sadness and pity, she ask him why he wants to take the stones and destroy 50% of the world. "I just want peace." all he could said, she look at him for a moment, she turn to Ash who was hold by Tony badly injured.
They were shouting at her to snapped the stone, but she shut them away and look back at Thanos. She tell him about the way he did was wrong, "Using the Infinity stones won't change everything, you will never have your own happiness using this way." she explain to him, she tell him of how he have his own happiness and peace, "By loving someone you care about is what your happiness is." she said, and look at his back.
He turn around following her gaze and saw Gamora standing there with her gun in hands, both of them look at each other eyes before he broke it and turn back to her. He thought for a moment and nod, understanding what she just told him. She smiled behind her mask, she call for D.Strange to put back all the stones to where they belong, but before he could begin. The stones glow bright blinding everything, when they uncover, Rudz was crying of relief and ran to hug Natasha who have brought back to life with everyone that died by the war.

She turn back to him, with a record voice "Thank you" it said, Ash ran up to her and tackle each other with hug crying of happiness. Aftermath, all of thing went back to normal, Thanos have finally feel peaceful when he with Gamora (Father and daughter!). Rudz as always with Ash and the others cheer for victory, now back to the present.
The trio and Ash nod, they want to have another sleep over at their place. Rudz just let them be, because if she say no Miko and Ash will beg her none stop. So she just agreed, "Don't get in trouble, don't mess OR destroy the house while I was away. Understand?" she warn, they nod again. She sigh and went to the garage, unlocked the car and put in the stuff she need in the bonnet.
She then saw some leftover items she need, went over it and checked if its was there or not. Venom help her, letting his guard down. Both not aware that the small bean quietly sneak in the car, he was curious where she work at so he sneak away unnoticed by others in the living room. He hid at the back and crouch down from the black hair girl view, after she done with the stuff, she hop in and start the car.
She drove out and went out of town, not knowing the glasses boy at the back. When she or should I say 'they' out of town, she open up the same portal shocking the glasses boy. When she arrived at the city, she drove her way to the tower, Raf peak a bit and look outside. He awed at the view not knowing he said it outloud, Rudz look at the back seat and saw him.
Eyes widen by shock she look at the road and saw a traffic light was red, press the brake and turn to him. "Cinnamon roll??! What are you doing here?!" she ask, he nervously laughed "I-I was curious of where you work at, so I uh.... sneak in?" he said nervous. Rudz look at him stunned, she sigh and tell him to sit at the front with her. He followed and sit beside her, look down with guilt, "I'm sorry I do that, I just curious." he apologies, she look at him and sigh again petting his head.
He look at her confused, "Your not mad?" he ask, she shake her head mentioned 'No'. "I'm not mad, just disappointed. You know you can't do that right? What if I didn't notice you and just left you in the car?!" she scolded, the light turn green and let her drive away. "Just.... don't do that again, it's dangerous ok?" he nod, "Something else, you can't tell this to Jack and Miko where I work at." she said, "Why?" tittle his head a side. Rudz is holding her tears because of the adorableness, "Just don't, and same for the portal, it's for your own safety." he nod, when they arrived she park the car at the nearby parking. Both get off while she locked the doors and grab all the stuff, Raf hold her hand so she can make sure he was safe.
They walked to the tower entrance, Rudz greet the security while he greet back. He let them in but then snapped his head back towards them when he saw she was walking with a 12 year old boy, he blinked few times before turning back at the front concerned. "Who's kid was that?" he ask himself, both of them went to the counter to take scanning card for Raf, "Hey Jennifer, how are you?" Rudz greet, the blond woman look up from the computer and smiled.
"I'm doing good! Is there something I could help you?" she said, Rudz rub her neck "Yeah, can you make a scanning card?" she ask, Jennifer look at her confused. "Why? Ash lose his again?" she joke, she shooke her head. "No, it's for this little guy." she said and pick up Raf showing the blond lady, she gasp "What?! When did you start to babysit?" she ask the teenage girl.
Rudz sigh, "No, he is my friend who sneak in the car." she said, she 'owed'. "Alright! Give me his name so I can start!" she said, Rudz nod and tell her, she nod and start to make his card. Raf look around in curious, he never saw any work place like this before. "Here you go! I already make it to the 'Family' one! You know, in case he came visit again!" she said handing the card with a smile, Rudz nod and thank her before walking to the scanner.
She put down Raf and give him the card, "Just hold it, the scanner will scan your card to make sure you are not an intruder." he nod and stand still, the mechine scan him then stop, greeting him "Hello Rafael, it is nice meeting you." F.R.I.D.A.Y greet, he jumped a bit and look around. Rudz just chuckle "Calm down cinnamon roll, that's an A.I. Her name is F.R.I.D.A.Y." she said, he look amaze by the technology.
He walk out and let Rudz scanned her card, after she finished she walk to him and tell him to let her keep his card for safety, he nod and hand her the card. Walking while holding hands, they went to the elevator but then Happy come and greet her. "Hey kid! Didn't expect you to com- woah, who's the kid?" he ask suprised, she tell him about what happens while he listen. He nod and wave her goodbye so he can do his work, Rudz wave him back then made their way in the elevator.
F.R.I.D.A.Y, as usual greet her and ask wich floor she want to go. She greet back while Raf grip her arm feeling shy, she tell her to went to the main floor, knowing that the A.I knew what she meant. The elevator move up, "What kind of work you doing?" Raf ask looking up at her, "Just taking charge and doing paperwork." she said look down on him, when the elevator ding both of them walk out.

Alien robot and alien parasite? what could go wrong? [TFP + Marvel] Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora