Chapter 8 (Works As A Mother And A Boss)

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It's not that I want to but meh.....

Let the story begin

Pov Random

Location: Jasper Nevada, The duo house. 12:10 a.m

It was in the middle of the night, in the duo household Ash was sleeping soundly in his room.
Meanwhile with Rudz, she's in the basement doing works. What work you might ask? Well.... paper works, reports and missions. She let Ash sleep and not doing those work because she doesn't want her best friend to stress out because of it, she was typing the board while checking every paper on each side.
Venom was holding the papers up for her to check, since her other hand was working on suit designs some warriors from out of space requested. She keep snapping her head every turn to each side of it, she then receives a call from Peter, she answered it while still working. "Yes Peter?" she ask like the way mother was working ask her child, she keep glancing at him but she is more focused on the works she have.
"Woah, sorry I didn't know you were working. I should e-" "Peter." he sigh, "Can you like..... upgrade a bit of my suit?" he nervously ask, "Sure, anything else?" he looked at her and became determined. He puffed his chest, "Rudz, you need to rest." he said confident. She look at him with blank expression, before continuing on work. "No." "Oh come on, you really need to rest! All those work is stressing you out!" he pouted, she sigh "Listen Peter, I can't just go rest and left the works like that." she said continued on typing.
"How's others by the way?" she ask, "They're fine..... but they still haven't find out about you guys." he said, let just say the duo were the back up for each hero in the world but the hero didn't know their identity including the Avengers except Peter. He found out about them by accident, how?

After the fight with the help by them, they separated their way. But to their luck, three of them land on the same building, Peter removed his mask but then he hear a metallic like sound changing.
He look at it confused, he then walk at one of the pipes and peak his head silently. He widen his eyes and saw the duo was in normal clothes but half of their suit still haven't removed a bit, they turn to his way when they heard he gasp loudly. Peter eventually come out and nervously greet them, Rudz face-palm while Ash laughed nervously. They explained to him about them being the back up for each hero, including himself and the Avengers, they tell him to keep it a secret.
He agreed because he understood, he knew if people find out about them being the back up, their parents will be mad and tell them it was dangerous stopping them from doing it again. Now back to the story, "That's good then, what upgrade you want by the way?" she ask still typing, "Not much, just the web shooter." he said before looking around for her best friend.
"Where's Ash?" he ask lifting his brow, "Sleeping in his room." he look at her for a moment, "Why didn't he help?" "I don't want him to stress out." she said. He became confused, "What? So you just let him not doing the work while you...... doing all of them?" he said pointed his finger at her, "You think? You already know why uncle Fury always ask me to  be on charge for him when he is away, uncle Tony ask me to assist him with his suit upgrade and calming uncle Steve after his stress of leading the team." she said while checking the blaster of suit.
"Don't you think you... overworked?" he ask, "No." "Rudddzz! Stop giving me simple answer!" he whine. She sigh, "I already used to it anyway." he crossed his arms and glared at her puffing his cheek, "Stop try to convince me with those face Peter, I'm working." she said. He pouted while his cheek still puffin, "Shouldn't you be sleeping right now?" she ask, "You have school tomorrow." "Same as you!" he said, "I know that but I can handle myself, not like I can go to sleep anyway." she shrugged still working, "How are you so calm about this? You know this is unhealthy for you!" he said, "I know." she simply said.

"Stop being like your a busy woman! You still young!" "And so do you." she said, for the young age as her, she sure act like a busy manager. "Now go to sleep, I will send back your shooter after I upgraded it." she said, "No." she sigh, "Your choice not mine." he just sitting their giving her company, he did ask some questions wich she answered softly and didn't even snapped or something. Hours has passed, Peter fell asleep on his desk still have the call going, Rudz saw this and sigh. Teleport to his room and pick him up, putting him on his bed. She kiss his forehead and smiled, ending the call and shut off the computer. Teleport back to the basement, she continued on work she need to finished.
It was now 6:00 a.m in the morning, all the works was done. Now she need to make breakfast and doing the house chores, went up to the kitchen she take a frying pan and cook an eggs. She then make pancakes while doing waffles, she grab some chicken ham and cook it for thier lunch since she doesn't trust the school cafeteria anymore, something tragic happened to stop her from getting the food of school cafeteria.
Doing a sandwich for both of them, she grab some fruit and put some in the bag, juice boxes and jelly. She packed some extra fruit for the trio, she don't want them to eat the food from school so she packed lunch for them. After the waffles was done, she put them in a plate and put some blueberry on it. Putting the syrup, she give some to Venom wich he happily accept, she went upstairs to Ash room to wake him up.
"Gree.... wake up, come on." she softly shake him, he groan and turn away. She just blanky look at him, "Wake up you little shit." after those words coming out from her mouth, he immediately sitting up fully awake. He knew he will get in trouble when she said that if he didn't wake up, "Go take a shower and get ready." she said and removed his certain, he yawn and nod, getting off and went to the bathroom. She went downstairs and start to clean the house, Ash walk downstairs still feeling sleepy. He tiredly rub his eyes, he then smell something in the kitchen and quickly went to it knowing that she just made breakfast.
He sit on one of the chairs and eat the breakfast happily, Carnage come out and take of plate with pancakes and waffles then eat it. Rudz went to the kitchen and take two glasses of apple juice for both him and Carnage, they happily take it. She grabbed a cup of coffe and drink it while leaning on the counter, she give one to Venom since he help her with the works so he must feel tired.
He come out and take the cup, softly drinking it. A tap sound come from the window, she look at it and saw its raining outside, "We're gonna used a car, it's raining and I don't want us to walk." she informed, a knock was heard at the front door. She went to it and open up, the trio was at the door holding an umbrella. She noticed that the three of them was a bit struggle since they shared only one umbrella, its a bit small for them. "Come in." she moved a side to let them in, she sigh closing the door and crossed her arm.
"Why did three of you come here earlier, and sharing a small umbrella?" she ask, "Well, we went to Raf house but didn't expect it to rain. So we have to share it." Jack said rubbing his neck, she sigh "Aren't you guys have your own ride?" she ask again. "Our parents uh.... kinda busy." he said, the other two nod.
She sigh again and tell them to wait at the living room, she upstairs and take some extra clothes and bag. She did noticed three of them was wet, must be splash by puddles when the car drive them over. She went to the living room and give them the extra items, they looked at her confused, "Don't give me that confusion look, I saw three of you were wet. So I let you borrow some of the extra clothes and bags." she said crossing her arms, they laughed nervously for getting caught, she sigh and tell them where they could change.
She went to the kitchen and made some warm tea's for them, Ash was playing with his phone instead of getting his bag ready, but Rudz already handle that. She put his lunch in his bag then put the bag at the table front door by Venom, she bring the tea's to the living room and saw the trio has done changing, Miko was wearing her grey hoodie with Broly pictures on it. Under it she wear her red t-shirt with the words 'ESPRIT', sports black pants with white stripes. Jack was wearing her red sweater with a tiny pocket at the side with the words 'Just Chilling', he wear a black jeans.
Raf wear her grey t-shirt with red long sleeve, and dark white jeans. Each of their bag has change to the one she give them. She put the tea at the table, "Drink this, you guys must be cold after being splash." she said and went back to the kitchen, "Thank you Rudz!" she hear Miko shout, she grab her lunch and put it in her bag. She grab the extra lunch that is for the trio and went back to them.
"Here, I make you guys lunch." she hand them each one, "Why did you make lunch for us?" Raf ask her tittle his head a side, "I don't trust the cafeteria food anymore, I'm worried for you guys healthy so I make them." she said, "You don't have to." he said. She pet his head with a bored look, "I'm fine with it, I was just worried for you guys that's all." she said, "You know Rudz, you can be a good mother for sure!" Miko said happily.
The two boys nod, "Yea, you were acting like a mother taking care of her children." Jack said smiling, she wave her in the air feeling embarrassed. "Nah... I was just care for the people I loved." she said, "Come on, we need to go now." she said. They nod and get up, grabbing their bags and wait at the front door, she went to the kitchen to grab her bag and drag Ash while he yelp and whine.
She grab his bag and went to the garage, take out her key and start the car, the other four hop in. She open up the garage door and reverse, after that she went to the side while closing the garage door. She drove forward on the road, the soft rain hit the car while she driving it, Ash was playing his phone beside her. Jack look outside with his elbow on the door, Raf was reading his book while Miko watch Ash playing.
When they arrived, she park at the parking lot. "Wait for a moment, but ready your bags." she said and hop off after shutting off the car, she went to the car back and open up the bonnet. She grab two umbrella, her bag was hanging on her side since she wear like shoulder bag side. She open the door where Jack was sitting with umbrella open while the other one she was still holding, he hop off and grab the it.
"Raf, you with Jack alright?" she said, Raf nod and hop off. Walking beside Jack, both of them shared one, she closed the door and went to Miko's, she open the door with the umbrella open up above her, Miko hop off and grab it. "Miko, you with Gree." she nod, she closed the door and went to Ash. Miko beside her, she opened it and Ash hop off sharing the umbrella with the Japanese girl.
"What about you Dos?" he ask, "You guys go first, I will trail behind." she said. "But-" "Don't worry about me." she cut Raf off smiling at him, they looked at each other and nod. Knowing they can't argue, they walked to the school entrance and wait for her. She lock the cars door then bring her hood up to her head from getting wet, she walk away and went to others. While walking, she didn't noticed a red Alin Martin watching her from afar, she stop and turn around.

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