Chapter 12. Life - A GAME OF CHESS?

Start from the beginning

Daphne shook her head.  "I know you miss him terribly; I miss him too,  but you need to let it go Edie and move on.  Stop blaming yourself  and ME for what happened to Ron and to Tanya." 

"How can I let it go when that monster is walking around free, married to my daughter is abusive to her and have kidnapped my granddaughter," Edie asked.

"Abuse? Kidnapped? What are you saying?" Daphne asked.

Tanya and Jess walked back into the kitchen and the conversation stopped.  "Go on, eat your breakfast  so  we can leave.  I don't want you late for school," Edie told Jess.  


With  Edie and Jess out of the house Daphne and  Tanya sat down to finish breakfast.  There was silence for a while, which was so unlike her aunt to be that quiet and Tanya wondered what  she was thinking.  

"You ok Aunty?" Tanya asked.

"Yea, I am thinking about what your mother said earlier.  "Did you tell her that Eric abused you? Why did you stay after his accident? He had no knowledge of being married to you.  Last time we spoke you said that you could not be happier, now all of a sudden he is abusing you and you want to run as pregnant as you are.  Talk to me Tanya, what in hell is going on?" Daphne went on and on.   

"Eric is a serial cheater Aunty.  He has an illegitimate child, and I can't accept that.  That is a red line for me," Tanya said.

"Oh, and how did you learn about this child?" 

"Sahita ... and Mila, the child's mother confronted us at the mall. The kid ran to Eric calling him daddy.  It was the worst day of  my life.  His betrayal was as devastating as the day Daddy died, " Tanya said as she tapped the tears leaking from her eyes.  

Daphne shook her head.  "You two have placed each other on this  pedestal of perfection but no one is perfect Tanya, not you and not him.  He behaved the same as you are now when  he found out about  you and Luke.   Sahita did her best to convince Eric that Ericka was not his child.  And who is front and center again? Sahita. She tried to turn Eric against you and when that did not work she turned to you ... turning you against Eric.  And it looks like she has succeeded finally.   

Tanya thought about what her aunt said for a minute.  "What are you saying Aunty? I should turn a blind eye to his cheating?" Tanya asked.

Daphne hissed.  "I am not telling you what you should do.    I am just painting you the picture here because you are not seeing it.  You should not let anyone make your decisions for you.  You think hard about what is best and right for you and your kids.  You know Eric  better than anyone else."  

"You know him more than he knows himself, so only you can make the decision of whether to stay or leave, but don't let me or your mother or your brother  make that decision for you." Daphne preached. 

"But the kid Aunty." 

"I wouldn't worry about the kid.  I can't say more; it will have to come from Eric," Daphne continued.  

"Are you saying that Eric is not the father of  this child?"

"I am saying there is a lot more to the story than Sahita exposed.  Eric is desperately trying to put the pieces together and I believe that he will tell you everything when the puzzle is complete," Daphne said.    

"How do you know all this?"

Daphne laughed.  "Is there anything that happens on this island that your aunt doesn't know?"

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