11.43: Missed call from Sébastien

11.46 1 new message from: Sébastien

Call me back when you can

12.31: Missed call from Sébastien

13.33: 1 new message from: Sébastien

Ava where are you? Pick up the phone

14.55: Missed call from Sébastien

She swallowed at the missed calls and messages and felt bad about not having the phone on her. The last call had been right before she got back from the library, when George had caught her in the foyer.

It probably wasn't useful to call anymore, the best she could do was apologize for not picking the phone up.

To: Sébastien

Hello Mr. Chastain, I'm terribly sorry I haven't picked up the phone. George has informed me that you requested my presence at your New York home. My flight leaves tonight so you can expect me soon.

She hit send and put it in the pocket of her jeans. Next, she went to grab her small bag of personal items but just as she bent down to pick it up the phone started buzzing.

Hurriedly, she fished it back out of her pocket to read: Sébastien calling.

Her heart sped up, she wasn't prepared to speak to him yet. She needed a little time to prepare mentally but she also knew she didn't really have a choice, she'd missed too many calls already.

With a steadying breath, she pressed the answer button.


"Ava, what's been going on?"

"Nothing, I just didn't have my phone on me."


"I thought I didn't need it anymore."

"You can use it for other things than work, you know that right?"

"But you said I needed it in case you needed to contact me, but you left."

She heard him sigh on the other side of the phone before answering, "Just keep it on you, alright?"


"Okay, when is your flight leaving?"

"Um, I have to check," she replied while hurriedly taking the ticket from the envelope and checking it. "At eight."

"Okay, then you'll arrive at around ten, yes?"

"Yes, ten o'clock sharp according to the ticket."

"Alright, th—" he started but a voice interrupted him on the other side of the line. She couldn't hear what was being said as the voices were too low to make out any words. After a minute or so he came back.

"Listen, I gotta go now. Enjoy your flight, Ava. See you soon."

And with that, he was gone.

With a sigh, she put it back in her pocket before gathering all her things. At least he didn't sound too annoyed to be talking to her, which was more than she expected. It still kind of burned to think that he didn't care about her as a person, but if she managed to avoid him in the coming days at least she wouldn't annoy him with her presence.

George was already waiting for her at the front door while Lauren had already bid her goodbye at dinner. His easy smiles never failed to cheer her up and she was excited for the journey ahead.

Unlike most people, Ava actually liked flying. She'd done it a few times now, to get to her next employers' places and she had enjoyed every moment of it.

The world just seemed so different from the sky. Small things didn't matter anymore and it helped her put things into perspective. Of course, most of that magic wore off as soon as they landed and she had to make her way through the busy airport, knocking a taste of reality back into her.

But up there, it was all different.


For those who missed it: you can follow my Patreon for more chapters!

Right now chapters 16 and 17 are on there and I will continue to update it as soon as I finish a new chapter. Follow me on patreon.com/mayskyfire

This will change nothing about the update schedule on Wattpad, I'll still update this story once a week like I've been doing before :)

Let me know what you thought of this chapter and I'll see you guys next week!

xx May

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