"Did you forget Nick and Collin are.."

"No, they are not coming." Ardeth said, "Nick messaged me that Coach Broughton asked Collin to stay back for something, so we have atleast an hour till they arrive." He said as he lifted Sherlyn in his arms making her shriek, and carried her towards their bedroom.

"Hey Jamie, pass the screw driver." Ardeth asked as he tried to fix a car in the garage, where he started his first day of work.

"Here, man." Jamie passed the screw driver from under the car, where he was laying.

"Is everything set under there?" Ardeth asked as he joined the wires of the car.

"Yes, it should be done in a few minutes." Jamie answered back.

The bell rang loudly interrupting their conversation.

"Boss's calling." Jamie said rolling out from under the car, "I will go and check with him, meanwhile try to start the car." He said walking towards the small room in the farthest corner of the garage.

Ardeth watched Jamie knock on the heavy wooden door, before he walked in. It has been two hours since Ardeth walked inside the garage, never once did he see the owner of the place, the owner seemed to be a recluse man, since most of the time he conveyed his messages through Jamie. And Jamie mentioned him earlier that no one is allowed to step inside the owner's room.

Ardeth shrugged and walked towards the car grabbing the keys. He turned on the ignition and the car came to life.

"This baby's owner called in to ask whether it's good to go" Jamie informed Ardeth, patting the car.

"It's all set to go." Ardeth said getting down from the car.

"Good then, I will go inform Mr.Scott about it." Jamie said turning in his heel.

"What's the matter with the boss guy?" Ardeth questioned as he and Jamie walked towards their lockers after finishing the work.

"I don't know, he has been the same ever since I joined the garage two years back, back then only David was allowed the enter his cabin, and now that David stopped working here, I am playing the spokesman." Jamie shrugged.

Ardeth got to know from Jamie, that David is the guy who used to work with Jamie, and he moved to other town few months ago to join the university.

"Let me tell you," Jamie said as they walked outside the garage, "In my two years of working here, I got a chance to see the boss guy often only after David left, I used to wonder whether he is hiding skeletons or drugs inside the cabin, but now I know there is nothing such, but seems like he is an anti-social guy."

"Weird." Ardeth commented walking to his car.

"See you tomorrow, mate." Jamie waved and got into his truck.

"Hey." Sherlyn greeted kissing Ardeth, as she opened the door for him.

"Hey baby." Ardeth smiled wrapping his arms around her.

"How was your day at work?"

"It was good, I enjoyed it." Ardeth smiled.

"Great, go have a shower, while I heat the dinner." Sherlyn said as they walked inside the living room together.

"I could get used to this." Ardeth grinned, "Coming home to warm hugs, and food."

Sherlyn laughed.

"Hurry up, have a quick shower and come back before the food gets cold." She said giving him a push.

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