"And don't say that you don't wanna play... besides I'm not asking you. I'm telling you" he threatened, expressing it almost a matter-of-factly.

As if I'd give you the pleasure to keep me with you. You're making a huge mistake on your part Brian cause I'm definitely getting out of here. I know you'll never offer me freedom which is why I'm not hiding, I'm escaping.

I grinned widely at the thought of it.

"Care to share what you're thinking about cupcake?" He gazed at me longingly.

"Uh.. I'm not a cupcake and no. I keep to myself...." I trailed off, averting my gaze elsewhere.

"So shall we begin?" He asked while simultaneously unpinning my wrists.

"Fine" I huffed in agitation whilst butterflies fluttered in my stomach as I contemplated on the prospect of freedom.

"Ok then...." he lowered his head to whisper into my ear again.
"Let the games begin!"

"This is why I should have visited  the gym regularly...." I panted, feeling utterly exhausted. I stealthily sat behind a pitch pine tree.

The escape, though not planned, it was executed perfectly. He said I could hide or run anywhere in ten minutes, additionally all the doors and windows would be unlocked.

I thought he was kidding but he wasn't. Every door was unlocked, or at least the front door was. At first I thought if it was a trick but after I stepped out of the door and strode a couple steps ahead, I knew his words were certain.

The real question is why? Why did he unlock each door? Why the hassle? Is he bored and wants to taunt me this way? Could be possible but I don't think so. He's up to something. Something wicked.

I just hope I escape him. My plan, originally, was to find a crow bar and break the door's seal which has a 50% possibility to work.

I made sure keep a good distance between us. I just need to survive til its morning that way I'll be able to properly navigate my way out of here. With no light in this eerie appearing forest, it's highly dangerous to move about in a strange land in pitch black. Plus, I  wouldn't want to be in a situation where I've lost my way and end up straight in the lion's den. I swallowed hard at the mere thought of it.

Now, I sat listening intently for any movement.
All I heard was nature as it slept soundly. Chirping crickets, swaying trees, annoying buzzing mosquitos and mighty thunder rumbling high above.

Before I knew it, the downpour started, leaving me drenched in a matter of three minutes. Despite the situation, I savoured the heavy droplets slowly cooling my nerves. The ground beneath me became squishy and muddy but I didn't care, that's the least of my worries. My ten minutes ended five minutes ago so all my senses are on the qui vive.

Howling gales of wind blew violently, causing my body to shiver. A sudden feeling of paranoia swept through me.

He's here. How did he find me? I knew for sure he was watching me. I've gained much experience to be aware of that. Blind to his accurate position, I bolted from my hiding place.

Sprinting full speed ahead, not daring to glance back. I halted in my tracks, squinting my eyes to access the area.

Before I could take another step, a tingling sensation on a lower back made me freeze. I felt rather dazed for a few seconds and unsteady on my feet before excruciating pain swept every inch of body. Time seemed to stop or rather move slowly while I fell to the ground.

My body became as stiff as a board, totally limp, as I lacked the ability to control my body as electrical pulses interrupted it.

The pain was intensely agonizing and profound.

I felt as if I was hit on the back with a baseball bat by a really big guy. Just a huge, overwhelming impact feeling. My muscles   froze in place. My mind is telling them to move, but I just fell in the position I was in when the current started.

Once done, I felt a little tired, but mostly relieved it was over. I felt no soreness, no lasting pain, no cramps, just kind of tired, not sleepy, but tired like I had worked all day.

I glanced at the tall figure hovering over me as I groaned in discomfort.

What just happened?

Brian smiled from ear to ear as he gazed down at me.

"W-what's wrong with me?" I croaked, my throat dry and coarse. Was I screaming? Did I scream? I didn't even realize, that's why my throat feels sore.

"What you felt was a 50000 volt pulse from a taser. Don't worry the pain will wear off. A little discomfort but you've got me to take care of you..." he trailed off, brushing a strand of my hair off my face.

"Oh and if you're wondering how I found you... well I tracked your movement through my phone. If you haven't noticed....." he cackled before continuing.
"Well you definitely haven't noticed the fancy ankle monitor. I knew you would be oblivious to it cause when you've got something running in your noggin, you are heedless to things around you..." he said nonchalantly and I finally felt the monitor strapped around my right ankle.

Why is he so heartless? Did he like me enduring pain? When did he strap it on? Maybe when I was asleep...
That's why he urged me play his game..... he knew he'd win. You piece of bull crap!

Tears streamed down my eyes as I laid there in soggy mud, feeling helpless, vulnerable and defeated.

What was I thinning?

He placed one arm around my back and the other arm around the bend in my knees, lifting me off the ground with ease.

"Now you know cupcake, there's no escaping me.... ever.."


Hello fellow humans......

Hope you're all well. I meant for the update to be... before new year's but I kinda got a little distracted.....


Hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you did, give it a vote & comment. If you didn't, uh.... I totally agree with you? 😊

Take care & God bless

Oh and......

Hope you all have a good year. May this be the year where our Lord Jesus will return 🙇

Bye bye...

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