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warnings// this chapter contains mentions of dieting. these aren't references to eating disorders but i know it still can be triggering for some to read about calories. if that's the case, please skip over the italicized flashback in this chapter; its not too important in terms of plot and i would rather you avoid reading something if you're uncomfortable. other than that, enjoy this chapter :) i love you <3



"He-hey, Koo."

"Shi--shit-- wait."

You frowned as you heard shuffling on his end and shut your eyes when you heard a girl's voice. "Ew. Jungkook, don't answer the fucking phone if you're inside of someone."

"Just hold on, noona."

You crossed your legs as you sat down on the park bench, waiting as you listened to him excuse himself from whoever she was. "This really isn't an emergency, Jungkook."

"Yes it is, I can hear you crying-- can you just please wait like two seconds, my pants aren't zipping." You rolled your eyes and pulled your jacket tighter over you.

You'd left the studio a few moments after Taehyung had wished you farewell. Needless to say, you left sobbing. While you hadn't expected him to be ecstatic at the news, you really didn't expect him to lash out at you. To be upset with you. To excuse you of lying.


"Hi, noona, outside now."

"I didn't mean to interrupt."

Jungkook sighed. "'S okay, noona, didn't like her much anyway." You smiled a little. "Are you booty calling me, noona-- should I come over?"

"No no no," you sniffled, wiping your eyes. "No more sex, Jungkook. We are not becoming friends with benefits." You heard his car start and frowned. "And you aren't driving while on the phone."

"'Kay, noona. Just tell me what park you're crying at so I can come get you."

"Oh, shut up, Jungkook."

You hung up on him and texted him the place you were at, and in minutes, a black, expensive, freshly washed, from what you could tell, car was pulling up in front of you. It parked and you smiled a little as Jungkook got out, jogging to you.

"Hey there, noona. Didn't think I'd see you here." You rolled your eyes as he dropped down next to you, his thighs pressing against yours. You turned, swinging your legs over his, leaning your head onto his shoulder. "Did you tell him?"

You nodded and Jungkook rubbed your leg gently. "Yeah."

"Is he sad?"

You stiffened as you wiped your nose on Jungkook's sweatshirt. "He thinks I'm lying."

Jungkook's turn to stiffen. "He what?"

"It's fine--"

"I'm gonna g--" you shook your head and rolled your eyes at Jungkook's burst of anger. He frowned, eyes darting around, jaw clenching. "He thinks you're lying. You, his best friend?"

"He thinks it's because I still like him." Jungkook'smouth fell slightly open. "I guess he thinks I want to br-break them up or something."

Jungkook was quiet for a moment and only the sound of your sniffles could be heard. You leaned further into him as you felt even more stupid for sitting here crying over it. Jungkook sighed before speaking. "So clearly he doesn't know you got an upgrade then."

You frowned, turning your head to look up at him. "What?"

"Hyung. He doesn't know you upgraded."

"To what?"

just friends//kthजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें