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an// i know! i sck at posting for this book :/ i just am so tired with work that it slips my mind. i apologize and here's the next chapter <3


"Where's your head at, y/n?" Jimin hissed, shoving you in the arm. "Get the fuck back here."


"The competition is in two days, everyone," Hoseok yelled, clapping his hands together. You gave him a small smile as you headed for your water bottle. "Let's keep practicing?"

"Can we get a break, hyung?" Jimin asked, wrapping his arms around Hoseok in exhaustion. "We need a break."

"Ten minutes?" Hoseok asked. Everyone nodded and parted ways as you dropped onto the ground.

You were fucking exhausted; that was the easiest way to put it. Even exhausted was an understatement. With the dancing having gone on for two days straight now, your body was sorer than it had ever been before. On top of that, you'd been getting no sleep because of Yoongi's surprise sculpture. You'd already baked it on your own while Tae was out with his girlfriend and so you'd brought it to your place to get to painting.

It was coming out great-- it was just the fact that Taehyung had barely started on the metal portion of it and it was already two days till the showcase. Yoongi was coming over to see the painting in a day and you were supposed to have the sculpture ready for then too.

But it wasn't done at all.

"I'm gonna fucking cry," you whispered. Jimin dropped down next to you and instinctively wrapped his arms around you.

You'd both come up with a plan for the following few days. School was going to be put on the back burner until those art pieces were done. The dance was almost to perfection-- at least your duet with Jimin was. Hoseok was satisfied with it too, so there was no saying you weren't going to win the damn competition.

Babysitting was off as well-- you'd turned down every call you'd gotten, promising you'd be back in a few weeks after all of this was over and you'd had a break. Jungkook was out of the question, poor baby working on his own homework, refusing to reach out to your busy self for help. But that was truly fine by you. You had no tme for Jungkookie right now.

And then there was the psychology experiment.

You'd missed a few of the very clearly mandatory meetings already. And as much as you didn't want to let Jin and the rest of the team down, it was hard to get to those meetings with the other things you had on your plate. So Jimin had promised you that he was working on an email to send off to Jin, explaining your situation.

"Are you stressed, y/n?"

You nodded, tears in your eyes as Hoseok crouched down next to you. He put a hand on your shoulder as Jimin rested his head against your other. "I just wish I had more time," you whispered. Hoseok rubbed your back.

"The duet looks perfect, y/n, don't stress about that, okay?" You and Jimin glanced at each other. He still had no idea you were partaking in the art showcase as well. "It's all good."

"I kn--know."

"You look great in the group piece too." Hoseok sighed, checking his watch. "Do you wanna head home early? I think we could do without you for today." Your eyes widened.

"C--could I?"

Jimin pouted. "Me too, hyung?" Hoseok smiled and rolled his eyes as both boys helped you stand. You stretched and Hoseok hugged you.

"The competition is going to go well, y/n. Please calm down about it okay?"

"It's gonna be just perfect, y/n-- we're winning in the duet category for sure." You hugged Jimin next and for a long time. You let him hold you for a moment, letting yourself fall heavy in his arms. He just kept rubbing your back, holding you tight. "Call me if you need me, okay?"

just friends//kthOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora