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"Ari? Ari? Say daddy?" You rolled your eyes, flipping a pancake on the stove before rushing to get the orange juice Tae has asked for. "Say daddy? Da--ddy!"

"Da!" Was all your one year old could get. You set the plate of pancakes in front of Taehyung and he held Ari carefully in his lap.

"Look at what mommy made," he cooed, pointing to the food. "Look what she made!"

"Taehyung, hurry up and eat."

"I am, I am-- I'm trying to educate here while I'm at it." Ari stood on her father's thighs as he drizzled maple syrup over his food, holding his daughter to him with one arm. "See, maple syrup is sweet. Sweet."

"S-eet!" Taehyung looked at you and you smiled, rolling your eyes as you rubbed your stomach, feeling a kick.

"She said sweet!" he cheered, kissing her cheeks. "Wait-to-go, princess! Your first words!"

"Her first word was mama," you reminded him.

"No, that doesn't count." You smiled, sitting in front of him. "She needs to say daddy first. Then she can say mama."

"I gave birth to her."

"I made her." You rolled your eyes at Taehyung and he chuckled, eating his food as you stirred your hot chocolate. Ari whined when he wouldn't give her any of his food so he set her on the ground to go play.

"I hate that you always insist on pancakes for dinner," you sighed, watching him eat as you sipped your last drink for the night. Well, maybe. You and Tae might end up eating ice cream on the couch once your baby girl went to sleep but that depended on how good the show you were currently watching would get.

"Well, it tastes good."

"Tomorrow I'm making you rice." He pulled a face and you watched Ari play with her news toyset that Hoseok had brought earlier that day. You shook your head as she shook the little device that was trying to get her to draw letters on the screen.

"A. A is for apple!"

"I need to take the batteries out of that thing," he mumbled, shaking his head as he licked maple syrup off of his fork. You nodded and sighed, sitting up in your chair and reaching under the table to throw your legs into Tae's lap. "Are your feet sore?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, but mostly just my back." He frowned. "This one's causing me pain earlier than Ari did." Shaking his head, he reached over with his fork to your mouth to give you the last of his dinner.

"Maybe it's going to the studio?"

"But I'm not even teaching, Tae. I'm just doing all of the office work for competition season that Jimin won't do." Tae smiled, pushing your feet off gently as he stood to go put his plate away. He checked the time, rolling the sleeves of his button-up. "How are the renovations at the museum looking?"

"Great, actually-- you know, it's actually Namjoon hyung's company doing them?"

"Really?" He nodded and soighed, rolling out his shoulders ashe did the dishes. You sipped your drink. "What's Yoongi up to? Has his wife had the baby yet?"

"No, not yet but he's been at the site every day. "You nodded. "I'm excited to open the museum up with him. It's really, I don't know, babe, a full-circle moment." You stood, slipping the mug you were drinking out of into the sink. You reached up to kiss his cheek.

"'m proud of you."

Walking back to the living room, you scooped your baby up. "Let's do a diaper change and go to bed, okay?" She whined in your arms, staring longingly at Taehyung's back as you carried her to her nursery.  "We'll clean you all up and you can go right to sleep, okay?" you set her on the changing table and she whined, kicking her legs a little as you got her set up to change.

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