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"Good morning." You nodded, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes as you walked into the studio. You looked up at Taehyung. There wasn't a trace of sadness in his eyes. Raccoon eyes? Non-existent.

You wished you could say the same for yourself.

"Did you..." He paused for a second and you set your bag down. The sun wasn't even up yet and it was already six am. You cursed winter. "...sleep well?"

You looked up, confused. "Huh?"

"Did you sleep well?"

You stared at him for a moment before shrugging, not wanting to respond. You just needed to get through the next hour with this guy. Then you were back off to Jimin to practice both dances one last time before sleeping the day away.


And then wake up for Yoongi of course.

Taehyung cleared his throat as you ran your fingers over the dried paint of your sculpture. It was beautiful. "Y/N?"

You glanced over at him. "Yeah?"

"I'm sorry." Your eyebrows raised the slightest as your mouth parted in shock. Did he believe you? "I shouldn't have yelled at you yesterday. And I know you don't still like me. I think I was just surprised at what you said."

He walked closer to you and you looked down to see him take your hand, placing a bar of chocolate inside. You sighed. "It's-- yeah-- tha--"

"I think there's just been a misunderstanding." You looked up at him as your hand wrapped around the bar of chocolate. "Maybe you heard the name wrong from Jeon or something?"

Your eyes widened a little as Taehyung took a few steps back and away from you. Turning to your sculpture, he let you oggle at him without him seeing. "What?"

"I just don't think she'd cheat, okay?" He glanced back at you and you looked down at the make-up chocolate he'd given you.


"But thank you for the concern." You nodded slowly. He was out of his mind. But you weren't going to fight with him. If he wanted to get cheated on, he could.

Or maybe it was a misunderstanding and Jungkook had gotten the wrong girl?


"Yeah, sure."

"And I'm sorry I accused you of lying." You met his eye and he gave you a small smile, nodding. "I hope things are okay between us?"

You were quiet for a really long time. You didn't respond as Taehyung said he was going to go get the metal attachment and the adhesive you'd be using. Instead, you stood, the chocolate still in your hands, now turning to liquid through the foil as your hands heated, clutching it tightly.

When he returned, he set the metal next to the sculpture, ready to assemble. He looked up at you and you blinked. "Things are okay," you confirmed. It took him a second to realize what you were saying before nodding. He gestured you over and you complied, setting the melted chocolate down. Luckily it hadn't leaked out of the foil.

"With this last bit, we'll be done with this showcase," he whispered. "I love hyung but this has dragged on for too long."

"Well, we still have to do the showing tomorrow." You swallowed, surprised at how easily conversation had just resumed. "Did you find a black dress shirt?"

"I'm just gonna borrow from Jiminie." You nodded and prepped the sculpture with adhesive where you'd marked it for. Taehyung waited for you to finish doing so. Instead, he sanded down the edge of the metal piece that was wood-- this would attach to your sculpture. "By the way, he told me about the dilemma tomorrow. With dance."

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