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an// hi guys! its been a while since ive posted but im back! i  just finished ib exams and so i have lottttssss of time <3 follow, vote and comment if you like this story :) i love you guys xx


"There's so much rice. Come on, have some."

"I've already eaten, y/n-- and besides, it's your food." You gave him a look and he smiled, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel at a red light. "Okay, fine."

You reached over the middle of the car and fed him a spoonful of rice and he chewed while driving. "Doesn't my pity food taste good?"

"Don't call it pity food, y/n." You rolled your eyes at Hoseok and smiled. "I'm sorry that happened to you."

"It's whatever."

"Have you guys been talking long?"

"Not really." You paused to chew. "We met a little while ago at one of-- I forgot their fraternity name, but we met at a frat party and he seemed really nice."

Hoseok smiled and nodded. "And now he's stood you up."


"I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry?" You held up more food to his lips. "You aren't the one that stood me up."

"Yeah, but I'm just apologizing on behalf of all assholes."

You laughed, shaking your head as he pulled up in front of your building. "You can't apologize on behalf of them if you aren't one of them, Hobi." He smiled and helped you out of the car by opening the door for you. "Thank you, by the way."

"For what?"

"I don't know. Showing up when I texted."

"Of course, y/n." He gave you a hug. "And you look beautiful tonight, in case no one's told you." You rolled your eyes. "Really."

"No one saw me to tell me anyway. Thank you."

"Wasn't Taehyng in there? The kid you and Jiminie are friends with?" You nodded. "Yeah, I could've sworn it was with him. Was he there with his girlfriend?"


"He didn't say anything to you?" Hoseok frowned. "When you were by yourself, for what, over an hour now?" You shrugged and he sighed. "Well, it's okay. I'm just glad your home safe."

"Yeah, thank you, Hobi. Really, I appreciate it."

Hoseok drove away once you'd made it into your building, signing in. By the time you'd made it up to your dorm, you were crying all over again. Sure, Hoseok had told you you looked pretty tonight but come on.

Tae had just rejected you and now this guy too? And you'd barely seen him-- what other reason would he have for standing you up? There was no let's be friends bullshit with him. It had to be the way you looked, right?

Or maybe the way you'd texted? You'd been doing that a lot recently with him. Were you annoying? Should you have used fewer emojis or something? You analyzed conversation after conversation for mistakes and sighed, crying to yourself.

It had to be you, right?


"You wanted to see me, hyung?" Namjoon turned from his desk and smiled, nodding. He pulled his glasses off as Taehyung slipped into his office.

"Hi, Taehyung-- I was just marking your paper in fact." Tae took a seat and Namjoon came up with an assessment that Tae had done. He gulped, looking at it.


"You're failing, bud." The boy looked away and shrugged a little. "What happened with switching courses?"

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