Chapter 32

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Less than a week after the basketball Interhigh, it was time for the boys' team to gear up and make their way to the station. At the station they'll board for about two hours heading to the tournament at the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium.

Meanwhile, family and support used other modes of transportation to leave at a later time. Mama Miya, Miyake Tani, and the Ojiro's agreed to be the carpool drivers for the girls as they have done for the boys. With fewer people and not having to fit six-foot-tall athlete boys Mama Miya and Miyake Tani didn't have to take separate cars. As a result, Atsuko and Sana rode with Mama Miya and Miyake while Anna, Momoka, Shiori, and Mao rode with Mr. and Mrs. Ojiro.

Two hours later, leaving Tokyo Station, the boys' team walked to their hotel to check in and drop off unnecessary stuff for the first day. All the teams in attendance packed a lot with the intention of going all the way to the top. When they finished settling in, the coaches and players regrouped to head to the venue to prepare for the opening ceremony and round one. 

Unlike the basketball nationals, the entire volleyball tournament is five days instead of two. Day one was for round one, day two for round two, day three for round three and the quarterfinals, day four for semifinals, and day five for the finals. This was to accommodate for the sheer number of teams at the venue, both boys' and girls' volleyball.

Arriving at the gymnasium lobby, many heads turned and whispered when Inarizaki walked through the doors. Expect nothing less from a long-time powerhouse school who have been to the national's countless times, plus their current roster consists of the Miya Twins, and Suna Rintarou of Aichi. Many players and coaches of other teams were curious of the condition and performance the Miya Twins would display during their national debut in the high school division. As for Suna, onlookers wanted to see in person his unique spikes as a byproduct of his torso flexibility.

Atsumu: Hey, Samu?

Osamu: What, Tsumu?

Atsumu: I get why people are talking about us. I mean, we're an unstoppable duo, and you are looking at the best middle school server, but why are people also whispering about Rin?

Osamu: You heard them too? I thought I was imagining things.

Aran: Ouch. Now that's hurtful y'all.

Atsumu: Aran–kun, what do you know?

Aran: Aye, don't look at me like that. I don't know all the details, but did it ever occur to y'all that there's a reason why Rintarou was scouted from a prefecture that's around four hours away from ours?

Suna: Aran, I would stop while you're ahead, they're a lost cause. They aren't the brightest outside of the volleyball or food court.

Osamu: Aye now don't act like you are super smart. Tsumu scores higher than both of us in all academic subjects and you know it.

Atsumu: Haha. Rin, he told you. Nice one Samu.

Osamu: Thanks, Tsumu.

Suna: Whatever. I'll have you know you guys aren't the only ones on the team who built a reputation during middle school.

Kita: Okay, that's enough y'all. I don't want fighting, you aren't in the practice gym anymore.

Akagi: Yeah, that would be so embarrassing having to break up a fight with this many respected players and people around.

Atsumu, Osamu, and Suna: Yes, Kita–san.

Watanabe: Hey guys, Yusei just told me Coach Kurosu is calling all of us over to line up for the opening ceremony.

All the schools participating in the tournament organized themselves alphabetically by prefecture, each having a boys' and girls' team, with the exception of a few having double and Tokyo, having triple because of the large population size. The boys' and girls' team lined up next to each other with a leader holding a sign with their prefecture and school names. Music performed by a live band commenced signaling the beginning of the ceremony.

The teams exited the stadium tunnel entrances, walking across the volleyball courts. Eventually the entire courts were covered by hundreds of players and their coaches. The live band silenced, and an announcer began thanking everyone in attendance for making the tournament possible. A brief overview of the tournament program and itinerary for the next few days was given and finally the national anthem was played.

Once the anthem was over, all the teams dispersed. Various teams could be found warming up on the main arena courts, the sub–arena courts, around the gymnasium lobby and hallways, or going back to their hotels until it was closer to their expected match time, considering there are roughly a hundred teams present.

With time to spare before their round one match, Inarizaki chose to leave the main court and find an area around the lobby or hallway to wait. In doing so they came across Itachiyama who intended to do the same. The coaches and players greeted each other and mixed together chatting away.

Komori: Oh, hi Miyas, Suna, Ginjima. It's good to see you made it to the nationals.

Osamu: Likewise.

Suna: Thank you.

Ginjima: You too.

Atsumu: Hi, Komori. Good to be here. Hey, where's omi-kun?

Komori: Omi–kun? You mean Sakusa?

Atsumu: Yeah. Omi-omi.

Komori: Oh. I don't know if you can see him from here, but he's scowling over there in the corner, away from everyone.

Osamu: Interesting.

Suna: Mood.

Ginjima: Rintarou, are you okay?

Suna: Oh, I'm great.

Ginjima: Well, if you say so.

Atsumu: Oi, Omi–kun quit being a wallflower and come join us over here!...Well that's only if you want to that is. Sorry, I don't mean to force you.

During the group's entire interaction, standing in the corner, avoiding everyone, these were the words Sakusa quietly spoke to himself under his white mask.

Sakusa: I just know Motoya is making fun of me to them about standing here...Oh, would you look at that, he's pointing at me...Why is Miya looking at me?...Did he just call me Omi–kun in front of all these people?...That's so embarrassing so many people looked this way...Well, at least it was sweet of him to say sorry and give me the option of being alone should I choose to...Should I join them?...Hmm no...maybe...But if I don't, I may miss out on developing mutual relationships and then I'll forever regret how I didn't talk to anyone at nationals...That's it, I'm going to join them. It wouldn't hurt. If it's too draining I could always excuse myself.  

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