Chapter 29

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When the match between Inarizaki and Itachiyama was over, the girls quickly gathered their equipment allowing the second semifinal to take over the court. Collectively the team went up to the audience section where they were met with words of condolence, encouragement, and inspiration from all their supporters.

Upon seeing her family, Atsuko could no longer keep her emotions at bay. Overwhelmed from losing the tournament, she quickly sought comfort in the outstretched arms of Mama Miya. Watching Atsuko cry, Atsumu and Osamu exchanged glances with one another before wrapping their own arms around Mama Miya and Atsuko. From there Mama Miya, Atsumu, and Osamu turned their heads expectedly in Miyake Tani's direction. Reading the three's expressions, Miyake Tani quickly joined the group hug. Feeling the added weight, Atsuko cried harder, no longer from losing, but from the amount of love, and support in her life.

Nearby, the Ojiro family were also sharing a heartfelt moment of their own. Aran wrapped his arm around Anna's shoulders as she cried while Mr. Ojiro messed with the top of her hair. Throughout the entire interaction Mrs. Ojiro watched lovingly, feeling proud over how far the girls' team had gone in the tournament. Sure, it isn't the results everyone had worked and hoped for, but it was the first of many tournaments that will drive and shape their future selves.

After allowing time for all the family, friends, and players to chat, Shiori called for the team's attention in place of Momoka, who was currently in the stadium's makeshift medical room.

Shiori: I would like to have everyone's attention for a moment. We've gotten word from Coach Yume about Momoka's physical state. She has a sprained ankle unable to play for one to three weeks. In tomorrow's game to determine the tournament's overall third place, we'll have to play without her. Yamada and Miya, this means you two will be stepping up to fulfill Momoka's position. I know it is a lot of pressure to replace our captain and starting point guard for such an important game, but I believe in and trust you two.

Coach Mei: We all believe in you two.

Shiori: Now with the news report completed. Let's all settle down and watch the next game.

Coach Mei: I want all y'all to pay close attention to this game because the loser will be our opponent tomorrow.

Everyone: Yes, Coach.

Adjacent to Inarizaki's audience section, the Itachiyama team were also chatting and settling in with their families and supporters waiting for the second semifinals to begin.

Motoya: Sis, congrats on making it to the finals.

Sakusa: Congratulations Reina.

Reina: Aww thank you guys. Couldn't have done it without your overwhelming support.

Motoya: Some are more overwhelming than others.

Sakusa: What overwhelming support? We watched the game in silence, too focused to outwardly react.

Reina: Did you really just? It's an expression Kiyoomi... It's a good thing you're athletically talented because you sure aren't street smart. And I know for a fact you aren't academically smart either.

Sakusa: I congratulate you on making it to the finals, and this is the way I get treated in return. I'll have you know; with my current grades I have a bright future.

Motoya: Like your highlighter shoes.

Reina: Lol Motoya, I can't with you, stop, you can't just say that. Mom and Auntie are going to get mad at us for the thousandth time if Kiyoomi tells them we were making fun of his neon shoes.

Sakusa: Speaking of neon. Reina, who was the one who said our uniforms looked like ripening bananas? They were from Inarizaki, right? So, they must have played in today's game.

Reina: Oh, Atsuko. Yeah, she played today. Hmm, I'm pretty sure Inarizaki is staying behind for the next match. Let me see if I can spot her in the crowd for you...Ahh found her. If you look over there by their school banner in the first row she's the one between those two boys who look to be twins.

Sakusa: Twin boys at Inarizaki. Are you referring to who I think you're referring to?

Motoya: No way! That's the girl? You think she's related to the Miya Twins?

Reina: If those two boys next to her are the Miya Twins then I'm pretty sure they're related. It's that or she's dating one of them. I hope it's not that though because they all look too alike. Oh, would you look at that, they noticed us looking at them. Boys quick wave to make this less embarrassing.

Sitting next to Atsuko, Atsumu was randomly looking around the stadium when he noticed three people looking over and pointing in their direction. Processing the three people he recognized two of them deciding to tell Osamu.

Atsumu: Hey, Samu.

Osamu: Tsumu, what now?

Atsumu: I was looking around the crowd right and I just saw Omi and Komori looking and pointing in our direction with some girl. From the looks of it the girl they were talking to is on the basketball team.

Osamu: Really, what direction?

Atsumu: Over there.

Osamu: Oh, look, they realized we saw them and now they're waving.

Atsumu: Say, Atsu.

Atsuko: Hmm.

Atsumu: Do you happen to personally know someone from the Itachiyama team who has really light brown hair?

Osamu: Who happens to be sitting over there waving to us right now.

Atsuko: What are you talking about? Oh. Yeah I know her. She's Komori Reina, Itachiyama's starting shooting guard.

Atsumu: Komori you say. You wouldn't happen to know if she has a brother who plays volleyball do you?

Atsuko: No, but I can ask her for you.

Osamu: It's okay, no need.

Atsuko: Are you sure? It's really no big deal. I can just message her.

Atsumu: Tempting, but really it's okay Atsu.

Atsuko: Well, if you say so.

The triplet's conversation ended with their attention being diverted by the sound of a whistle and cheers erupting throughout the stadium as the second semi finals kickstarted. Both Inarizaki and Itachiyama carefully observed and analyzed the game playing out before them.

When the game finished the Inarizaki team said goodbye to their friends and families who were driving back home while they went to their hotel for the night.

The girls discussed the events of today and the itinerary for tomorrow before getting ready for bed. They went to bed as early as they could to get a good night's sleep, and for the last day of the tournament to come faster.

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