Chapter 24

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After three straight hours of studying Atsuko took a final glance at her notes exhaling heavily.

Atsuko: I can't take this anymore. If I study any longer, I feel like I'll get a headache or better yet, my brain will explode from being overworked.

Sana: Ugh thank you. Finally, someone spoke up to stop. If I had to stare at triangles for another minute, I would lose my mind.

Osamu: Does anyone smell food?

Suna: I thought I was the only one who noticed the sudden food smell.

Atsumu: Samu, of course you would notice the smell of food, but we're all here in the living room. Nobody could possibly be in the kitchen cooking right now...

Miya Triplets: Mama!

The triplets sharing the same thoughts, immediately got up from the floor running into the kitchen. Bursting through the kitchen door, the triplets were greeted with the sight of Mama Miya stirring something on the stove and checking the oven. Without even turning to the triplets, Mama Miya addressed them.

Mama Miya: Kids, what did I say about running and slamming the door open. If any of you break my door, I'll have you build and replace a new one.

Miya Triplets: Yes, Mama.

Mama Miya: And let me guess, as soon as each of you noticed I was in the kitchen, you left all our guests in the living room without a second thought? Didn't I teach you any manners?

Miya Triplets: Sorry, Mama.

When the triplets abruptly got up and went to the kitchen, the others packed up their study materials, putting them away before going in the direction the triplets went.

Sana: Hello, Miya-san.

Mama Miya: Oh Sana-chan, always nice to see you around sweetheart. It's been a while since I last saw you. How are your parents doing? Busy as always?

Sana: They're good and busy like usual, but they try their best to make time when they can.

Mama Miya: That's good to hear. I'm almost done with dinner and dessert. Atsumu, Osamu, and Atsuko set the table. Sana, could you tell everyone to take a break from studying and move to the dinner room to eat.

Miya Triplets: Yes, Mama.

Sana: Yes, Miya­-san.

After receiving Mama Miya's instructions, the four went their separate ways, following orders. Atsumu grabbed the plates, Osamu the cutlery, and Atsuko the napkins and cups. Since the dining table already had water and tea set up. Meanwhile, Sana only had to guide the others to the dining table since they went to the kitchen to see why the triplets were so excited.

When all of the kids were settled in the dining room, Mama Miya came over carrying a tray of food. Placing the tray down, she went back into the kitchen to bring out the desserts she had made. She wanted to bring them both out in case any of them finished eating early and wanted to grab a sweet. When Mama Miya sat down, everyone took turns around the table introducing themselves. Once all names were exchanged, it was time to dig in.

While eating, all the kids were amazed at the flavors they were tasting. Mama Miya and the triplets felt a sense of pride and joy watching everyone eat. Occasionally, Mama Miya would go around asking personal and academic questions trying to get to know their classmates, teammates, but most importantly, their new friends whom she hopes are to remain with for all of high school and life.

Knowing they'd only met a few months ago, Mama Miya could tell this was a good and close group of kids. She can't wait to witness what lengths each of them will travel, surpassing their personal bests and peers.

Once everyone had gone home, the Miya household got to work cleaning the living room, dining room, and kitchen. The living and dining rooms took the least amount of time, allowing Atsumu and Atsuko to join Mama Miya and Osamu in the kitchen. In the kitchen, while washing, drying, and putting away the dishes, the Miya household talked about their day.

Osamu: Mama, earlier when we got home from school, I made onigiri for everyone. Some of them said it was so good that I should open up a restaurant one day.

Mama Miya: Oh, did they? That's nice of them. You know, when I was younger, I dreamt of opening up my own restaurant. I even went to culinary school where I met your father. I remember he was such a sweet and funny man, but he wasn't the brightest. We would always exchange new dishes with each other as gifts. Most of them were pleasant, but some of them were straight up awful just to mess with the other, watching their disgusted reactions. It's a shame he's no longer here to watch you guys grow up. You each look so much like him and take after his love for playing sports.

Atsumu: Mama, you've never told us about going to culinary school, meeting our father, or wanting to own a restaurant.

Osamu: What changed? How come you never made your dream come true?

Mama Miya: Priorities and dreams change. After graduating culinary school, when your father and I found out we were having kids, we chose to settle down and live a stable life. We wanted to make sure we could provide the best we could for all of you. As time passed, my dream of opening a restaurant paled in comparison to the feelings I felt watching you three and supporting your dreams. Although I won't lie and say I've stopped wondering what owning my own restaurant would be like.

Osamu: What kind of restaurant did you dream of opening?

Mama Miya: I thought of many from fusion, traditional, to bento, but my thoughts always went back to onigiri. Simple but comforting, and there are so many possible filling combinations.

Atsuko: Do you miss him?

Mama Miya: I'll always miss your father. He was my first true love. I could never forget or replace him. When he passed away when you were little, it felt like a piece of me left with him. However, I know he's always watching over us and doesn't want us to dwell on the sad parts. Instead, to keep moving forward and live our lives to the fullest.

Atsumu: So how do you feel about Miyake-san?

Mama Miya: Well, Tani has been nothing but caring, helpful, and understanding over the past few years. To put it simple, the love I feel for Tani is different from the love I feel, and felt for your father, but it's love, nonetheless. Kids, if you were to take anything from this conversation tonight, it's that in life you'll experience many forms of love, but that doesn't make one more significant than the other. All forms of love, platonic, romantic, or familial, are important and should be valued. Don't let anyone undermine your feelings. Only you know the true extent of your feelings.

Miya Triplets: Yes, Mama.

Mama Miya: Good...Looks like we're all done with cleaning. It's getting late and you still have school tomorrow. All of you get ready for bed and school tomorrow. When you're all done and feeling settled, I'll come by your room to say goodnight.

With those final words, the triplets raced out of the kitchen to be the first to shower. Seeing their racing figures escape eyesight, Mama Miya just laughed at how they never listen when she constantly reminds them about running inside.

Looking out the kitchen window at the night sky, Mama Miya couldn't help the memories playing in her head of the triplets' father. Still facing the window, she quietly spoke, "if only things were different and you were here" then left the kitchen, getting ready for bed and checking on the triplets before falling asleep.

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