Chapter 25

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For the next two days, the Miya household was the after school study spot. Every day the first years felt burnt out from overworking their brains, but in the end it must be done. All of them have to maintain their grades and pass to continue playing sports. On the bright side, they got to eat delicious snacks and dinner made by Osamu and Mama Miya.

Before the first year formed their study group, they planned to split hosting between the Miya's and Anna's. Now that it's the latter half of the week, the first years head over to the Ojiro household. The large group of nine conversed loudly and joked around, while a quieter group of four; Aran, Kita, Omimi, and Akagi, trailed close behind.

When they arrived at the Ojiro household, the group was met with Mrs. Ojiro answering the door. The second years greeted her first having been over many times. The first years were more hesitant, unsure of what to do or how to act. Mrs. Ojiro quickly ushered the kids inside, mentioning she'll bring them some drinks. Walking inside the second years went straight to Aran's room while the first years went to the living room.

Aran: Anna, you know the drill. We'll be studying in my room. If you have any questions while studying feel free to come over and ask. The same goes for the rest of y'all first years. We'll help you the best we can, but don't expect us to just give you the answers.

Anna: Will do.

First Years: Yes.

Anna: Okay, well, let's get started. Easy stuff first to give the second years time to study, then we go and bother them with our questions.

Mrs. Ojiro: Here are some drinks. On the tray there's water and lemonade, feel free to choose whichever. If you need anything else or get hungry just give me a call. I'll be in the office room.

Anna: Thanks Mom.

First Years: Thank You.

As Mrs. Ojiro left the living room to bring drinks to Aran's room, some of them grabbed a glass and poured themselves a drink.

Atsumu: Office room?

Anna: Yeah. My mom works from home, so she has a workspace with a desk and everything. The office room also has a desk for my dad, but he commutes to work, so he doesn't use it all the time.

Atsuko: Ah. So, your dad is at work right now?

Anna: Yup.

Over in Aran's room, the second years sat down around the table in his room, pulling out their study materials.

Akagi: Do you think they'll actually come over asking for help?

Aran: They'd better if they intend on passing and playing at nationals.

Kita: I'm sure they will if they know what's good for them.

Omimi: Of course, why wouldn't they?

Akagi: I don't know, I was just wondering. Maybe they'll be too shy or embarrassed to ask for help.

Aran: If they felt embarrassed to ask for help, they wouldn't have formed a study group.

Akagi: You have a point.

Kita: We're losing focus. We should worry about our own exams and grades before we worry about other people's.

Omimi: I agree. Also, did anyone understand today's lesson because I was so confused.

Aran: Yeah. Basically, the teacher was telling us that...

Omimi: Ah, that makes more sense now.

Both groups studied on their own for about two hours. After two hours, the first years had reached a point where they couldn't continue studying without getting outside help. Anna asked what everyone needed help with because she knew each of the second years' strongest subjects. Aran and Kita were best at math, while Akagi was best at science and Omimi with history. She figured splitting everyone up would make things faster.

Since some of them had similar questions, they sent representatives to ask the second years, then explain when they returned to the living room. The idea was also because they didn't want to overcrowd Aran's room.

In Aran's room, Anna and Suna were getting math help, Atsumu history, and Atsuko science. Being nosy, when Omimi was explaining to Atsumu history stuff, he was listening into Suna's conversation with Kita.

Atsumu: Rin, that's what you needed help with? That's easy, you could have just asked me. When you're looking at the triangles, you want to take notice that they're similar meaning...and that's how you get the answer.

Second Years: ...

Atsumu: What?

Kita: Atsumu, that was a very thorough and clear explanation. Better than what I would have said.

Aran: You understand math?

Atsumu: What is that supposed to mean? Yes, I understand math.

Atsuko: Y'all should get over your shock. Tsumu is actually the smartest among the three of us. Always has been. He helps Samu and I out with school work all the time.

Akagi: Huh. Who would have thought? Honestly, you give off all brawns and no brain vibes outside the volleyball court.

Atsumu: I don't know if I should be offended or flattered by y'alls surprised reactions.

Omimi: Flattered, definitely flattered.

Atsumu: Okay, well that's all the help I need with history. Thank you, Omimi-san.

After the four got their questions answered, they left Aran's room relaying the information to the rest of the first years. Around six o'clock the front door could be heard from Mr. Ojiro arriving home from work. Meanwhile in the kitchen Mrs. Ojiro was finishing up cooking.

The second years came out of Aran's room to greet Mr. Ojiro and join everyone in the living room. It has become customary during study sessions for them to join the Ojiro family for dinner whenever Mr. Ojiro gets off.

Anna and Aran: Hi Dad.

Mr. Ojiro: Woah. I didn't realize we're having a party today. Usually, it's just Aran's friends over. Had I known, I would have bought meat on my way home to fire up the grill.

Mrs. Ojiro: Honey, that's okay. I have already finished cooking dinner. Maybe another night, right kids?

Everyone: Yes, Mom/Mrs. Ojiro.

Mr. Ojiro: Okay, well, maybe after finals we can have a BBQ. Actually, this weekend we're having a family BBQ for Anna's birthday, why don't all of you come. It'll be fun.

Anna: Dad, stop.

Mr. Ojiro: What? Can I not invite your friends to celebrate your birthday? Are you embarrassed of your family?

Anna: No.

Mr. Ojiro: Then I don't see a problem. You're all invited. We'll have Anna and Aran message y'all the details later.

Aran: *scoffed*

Anna: Shut up.

Aran: Aye, I didn't say anything.

Anna: You're lucky your friends didn't have to experience the chaos that is our family at a BBQ, let alone a birthday BBQ when you just met. I can already see the line dancing.

Aran: Oh, that'll be a sight to see. Surely an unforgettable birthday sis.

Mrs. Ojiro: Aran, quit teasing your sister.

Aran: Yes, Mom.

Mrs. Ojiro: Okay, y'all let's have dinner, shall we.

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