Chapter 4

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The weekend went by quickly for the Miya household, dedicating a day each for chores and grocery shopping. Coming back from the weekend the school day went by without a hitch and the whole time the triplets were restless because today is their first full practice. When school was dismissed, the triplets walked over to gyms one and two. On the way to the gyms, they crossed paths with a few upperclassmen from their respective teams. The upperclassmen greeted the triplets and asked them to follow to see where the clubrooms are located. Once inside the clubrooms each of the triplets picked a locker for the year putting their school stuff inside and changing into practice attire. After changing all the athletes from different clubs left their clubrooms and headed to their respective gyms, tracks, fields, and courts.

Over in gym one where the boys' volleyball club practices the team and coaches waited for everyone to gather. Once everyone was present, they set out for warm up running around the school. When the boys were finished running outside, they came back to the gym and took a short water break. After the break they did stretches and split up into receiving practice.

Meanwhile, in gym two, where the girls' basketball club practices, they waited for everyone to gather before running laps around the basketball court. After running a certain number of laps the girls took a water break before they began to stretch in place and do exercises like pushups, jumping jacks, and lunges. Once stretches and exercises were over the girls were asked to partner up for dribbling and passing practice. Looking around at her teammates, Atsuko realized she knew nobody while some already found partners. Nearby another girl was looking around not knowing who to partner with. Walking up to the girl Atsuko spoke.

Atsuko: Hey! Do you want to partner up?

Sana: Oh sure. I'm so glad you asked. I don't know anyone here.

Atsuko: I don't either. By the way my name is Miya Atsuko, but you can call me Atsuko.

Sana: I'm Sato Sana, but you can call me Sana. I think we're in the same homeroom.

Atsuko: Oh really? Cool. Guess that means we'll see each other a lot.

In both gyms, practice continued on for the full two hours. When practice was over all athletes helped clean up the gym floor and equipment then went to the clubrooms to change and gather their stuff to head home. None of the team had to worry about any official games for another month so nobody stayed behind for extra practice.

In the basketball clubroom Atsuko quickly changed and waited for Sana to finish to head to the school entrance gates together. When Atsuko and Sana reached the school gates, Atsumu and Osamu were already there waiting for Atsuko.

Atsuko: Tsumu! Samu!

Osamu: Hey!

Atsumu: Hey! ...Who's this?

Atsuko: Oh right. This is my classmate and teammate, Sato Sana. Sana, these are my brothers, Atsumu and Osamu, and yes before you ask, we are triplets.

Sana: Hello.

Atsuko: Okay now that introductions are done. Which way are you heading home?

Sana: Right

Atsumu: Oh, us too.

Atsuko: We should walk together

Osamu: I don't know about you guys but I'm hungry and would like to leave the school grounds.

On the walk home Atsuko and Sana walked in front of Atsumu and Osamu. They talked about random topics getting to know each other and the two boys would occasionally give their two cents.

Atsuko: Hey Sana, since we live in the same direction, we should totally play basketball together at the park nearby.

Sana: Ohhh you're so on.... My place is right up here. I guess this is where we split. We should exchange numbers or emails tomorrow in the homeroom so we could meet up outside of school.

Atsuko: For sure. Bye. I'll see you tomorrow.

Sana: Later and it was nice meeting you Atsumu and Osamu.

Atsumu and Osamu: Bye.

After parting ways, the triplets continued walking a few houses down until they reached their home. When they arrived home, it was already around 6:00 P.M. so they quickly put their bags in their room and went to help Mama Miya make dinner. While preparing and eating dinner the triplets shared about their day experiences and new friend Sato Sana. When dinner was finished and cleared the three went into their room and finished their homework for tomorrow. Once they were ready for bed and lying down in their bunks Mama Miya opened their door.

Mama Miya: Kids. I almost forgot. Since all of you have officially started practice and tomorrow is your off day when I come home from work, we'll go to the sports store to buy clothes and equipment.

Miya Triplets: Okay.

Mama Miya: Good night my little ones.

Miya Triplets: Good night Mama.

The next day in homeroom one, Atsuko and Sana exchanged numbers and created a group chat with Atsumu and Osamu. Unlike the week before, lunch time wasn't just the Miya Triplets but the three plus Sana. When the school day ended Atsuko quickly said goodbye to Sana and met up with Atsumu and Osamu in the hallway. The three practically raced home full of excitement over going to the sports store. When they got home it was as if a wave of clarity took over them.

Atsumu: AH! It's only 3:30 P.M. and we still have to wait for Mama to come home from work.

Osamu: Wow Tsumu aren't you a genius.

Atsuko: Ugh I totally forgot we had to wait. I want to go to the store right now.

Osamu: Well while we wait for Mama we could work on our homework.

Atsumu: I guess.

Roughly two hours and a number of finished homework sheets later Mama Miya arrived home from work. Usually, around this time of day, the Miya household would be preparing dinner, but Mama Miya didn't want to be out too late on a school night. After some thought, Mama Miya concluded skipping a night of homemade food wouldn't hurt. They all piled into the car and headed to the sports store before closing to avoid rushing. At the sports store each of the triplets dispersed to select shoes, shorts, and balls for their respective sports.

Mama Miya: Kids what's wrong you each look like that one statue, The Thinker.

Atsuko: I can't decide between the men's or women's basketball. The men's ball is heavier and bigger which will help me build strength but the women's ball is the one I'd be playing with in games so familiarity would be best.

Mama Miya: So, go with the women's ball.

Atsumu: Samu, and I can't pick what type of volleyball. Who knew there were so many types?

Osamu: Youth. Adults. Beach. Indoor. Grass. Ohh look Tsumu there's even an aquatic volleyball.

Mama Miya: Hmm those are a lot of options. How about this you each pick a different type of volleyball. One of you picks indoor and the other outdoor. You'll be practicing together anyways so this way you can practice wherever.

Atsumu: That's a great idea.

Osamu: Tsumu, I'll grab this one you grab the other.

With the equipment indecisiveness solved, the Miya household went to the register and paid for their clothes and equipment. Leaving the store, they stopped by somewhere to order food and went home.

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