Chapter 12

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The next morning, when the Miya triplets were walking to school, they met up with Sana.

Atsuko: Morning.

Atsumu: Morning Sana.

Osamu: Good morning Sana.

Sana: Morning Miyas.

Atsuko: I'm surprised we met up. Normally, we don't see you until school begins.

Sana: Yeah, I decided to try something new.

Atsumu: I'm so excited about practicing after school and setting for all of the upperclassmen instead of playing against them.

Osamu: Hmm...Atsuko, you look a bit pale.

Atsumu: Umm...Sana, Atsuko, are you guys okay? After I mentioned practice, you guys had a total mood change.

Atsuko: Oh...yeah we're good. You just reminded us we have stamina and endurance practice today.

Sana: We heard from the upperclassmen it's brutal, so we aren't really looking forward to it.

Atsumu: Oh.

Osamu: Well good luck after school.

When the four entered the classroom, there were a few students already seated behind their desks.

Matsumoto Hiyori: Hello, Miya-san and Sato-san.

Omimi Mao: Morning Miya-san, Sato-san.

Ojiro Anna: Good morning Miya-san and Sato-san.

Atsuko: Good morning everyone.

Sana: Good morning, Matsumoto-san, Omimi-san, and Ojiro-san.

Atsumu: Well, aren't you two popular. It's only the second day and several of our classmates are greeting you.

Atsuko: Oh, please, they're our teammates, stupid. I wouldn't be surprised if you had some teammates in this class.

Osamu: Wait, did you say Omimi and Ojiro?

Sana: Yes.

Atsumu: No way! Samu, do you think they could be?

Osamu: It's a possibility.

Atsuko: Be what?

Atsumu: Omimi-san and Ojiro-san, do you have older brothers who play volleyball here?

Omimi Mao and Ojiro Anna: Yes.

Atsumu: Cool. Samu and I are on the volleyball team with them.

Ojiro Anna: Seems we'll be seeing each other more than in homeroom and our basketball games.

Osamu: Omimi-san and Ojiro-san, is it okay if we refer to you by your given names?

Omimi Mao and Ojiro Anna: Sure.

A few minutes later, more people filtered into the classroom.

Ginjima: Morning, Atsumu and Osamu.

Atsumu: Morning.

Osamu: Morning Ginjima-san.

Suna: Hi.

Atsumu: Hello.

Osamu: Hello, Suna-san.

Atsuko: See, I told you Sana and I weren't the only ones being greeted on the second day.

After everyone exchanged their greetings, the homeroom teacher arrived, and school began. During lunch time, all the basketball and volleyball players moved to where the Miya triplets sat next to one another. This made it easier to crowd around, not worrying about bothering other classmates. While they ate, one of them pointed out they thought it was strange how there were so many athletes of the same sport in one homeroom. Hearing this, Anna explained to everyone what her brother Aran told her.

Playing a sport your first year of high school is on a different scale from junior high, with increased skills and expectations of peers and opponents across the nation. Apparently, because of this for their first year, the school tries to put all the scouted athletes in the same homerooms, prioritizing the grouping of teammates in a class. So, there are several homerooms where every student is an athlete, making it easier for students and teachers regarding away games, tournament season, training camps, and field trips.

It ensures an environment where students won't feel left out, improving team bonds because they're surrounded by peers going through the same experiences. As for teachers they won't have to worry to the same extent as other schools over which students are missing, need to make up, or behind in content. They can plan material ahead of time based on which sport or group of athletes will be absent. However, for their second-and third-years homerooms are assigned based on grades and test scores, not the sport you play.

With Anna's explanation, the others seemed to agree with the school's process, then switched to other topics. At some point, Ginjima brought up practice, resulting in a sudden mood drop in all the basketball players. The sudden change in mood didn't go unnoticed, causing Atsumu and Osamu to explain to Ginjima and Suna about the brutal practice that awaits them after school. After that, all the volleyball players avoided mentioning the taboo word practice. Spending one lunch together all the first years became comfortable on a given name basis. In actuality, using given names was the volleyball player's idea because of their upperclassmen, wanting to avoid confusion or disrespect, but everyone agreed to it.

After school was dismissed, all the first years walked to the clubrooms getting ready for practice. In gym one, the volleyball players practiced their basics: serving, digs, sets, and spikes. To be a powerhouse and undefeated, the team must have solid foundations before they can specialize skills and techniques.

In gym two, there was tension in the air dreading today's practice. The whole time the players were running the suicide drills, the head and assistant coach yelled at them. The coaches told them "Make sure you touch the lines" "I want to hear you count" "I want each and every one of you to run like you mean it" "I want anyone who passes by those gym doors to see the blood, sweat, and tears each of you have shed and will shed for this team" "Keep moving" "We won't stop until I say so"

To say their stamina and endurance practice was brutal was an understatement by their upperclassmen. The first years were quick to realize this reality, but they stayed strong until the very end. When the head coach announced they could stop all the first years dropped to the floor, unable to move. All they could do was watch their upperclassmen from the ground, who still stood on their feet, bent over catching their breath. The coaches were proud to see none of the first years quit, vomit, or pass out. They fared a lot better than the years before them, displaying strong wills and athleticism.

The coaches advised all the players to stretch and hydrate to prevent injuries and be ready tomorrow for more teamwork based drills. With those final words practice ended and all the players dragged their feet to the clubroom to change out of their soaked gym clothes. On the way out of the clubroom, the volleyball team finished up their practice. Passing by the basketball players the older volleyball players' facial expressions held pity having seen this sight before while the first years looked like they were staring death in the face. Atsumu and Osamu were the most dramatic ones upon seeing the exhausted basketball players.

They ran up to Atsuko, one grabbing her legs and the other her arms. It would have been smarter if one piggybacked while the other carried her bags, but when all three Miyas are in the same vicinity their IQ drops drastically. All the other basketball and volleyball players could do was shake their heads at the triplets' antics and hope the boys didn't drop their sister walking home.

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