Chapter 13

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The entire walk home, the triplets received many glances from bystanders. Although, to be fair, who wouldn't stare when you see two high school boys arguing over who is doing the heavy lifting, carrying a smaller high schooler by her arms and legs. All while a larger group of high schoolers trailed behind closely with a mixture of feelings. The feelings of their first year teammates watching ranged from concerned, embarrassed, unamused, and impressed with a phone out to capture the free entertainment and potential blackmail. If Atsuko weren't so exhausted from stamina and endurance practice, she would have told her brothers off or beat them up for recklessly carrying her in front of everyone.

One by one, the teammates said goodbye as they passed their homes until the triplets were left by themselves. Reaching the entrance gate of their home, Atsumu and Osamu yelled out for Mama Miya to open the door, since their hands were full. However, instead of Mama Miya, it was Miyake who opened the front door. Processing the sight in front of him, he began spewing concern. Hearing the commotion from the kitchen, Mama Miya walked to the front door to see what was happening. When she saw the triplets, all she could do was laugh at how ridiculous they must have looked walking from school. Miyake stopped freaking out, looking back and forth between the smiling triplets and laughing Mama Miya.

Osamu: Hello, Miyake-san.

Atsumu: Hi, Miyake-san. I see you beat us coming home for dinner.

Atsuko: *weak* Hi, Miyake-san.

Miyake: Namiko, why are you laughing? Your daughter is nearly passed out, with her brothers carrying her?

Mama Miya: Tani, they're fine. If they weren't they would have called earlier. Besides, they've come home in worse shape. Now come back inside, we still have dinner to finish preparing. Atsumu, Osamu, Atsuko, hurry inside and clean up while dinner is being made. Then you can tell us all about why you three showed up like this.

Miya Triplets: Yes Mama.

Still carrying Atsuko, Atsumu and Osamu quickly moved from the entrance gate hurrying towards their room. Miyake closed the front door while Mama Miya watched the triplets leave from their sights.

Miyake: You would think being around for three years I would have gotten used to their antics.

Mama Miya: Oh, it's okay, Tani. Not all of us have the advantage of single handedly raising triplets for 15, almost 16 years. You'll eventually get used to it and if not, you'll at least be able to look back and laugh. For what it's worth, the triplets and I appreciate the past three years you've spent by our sides.

Miyake: I wouldn't have it any other way. Now let's get back to the kitchen before we have ourselves three hangry athletes.

In their shared room, Atsumu and Osamu let Atsuko shower first since she was the most exhausted needing a refresher. While she was in the bathroom, the two boys played a soccer video game to decide who would be next. By the time Atsuko finished, Osamu was in the lead, making him next to shower. Atsuko took over Osamu's spot playing against Atsumu until it was his turn, then she played against Osamu, who took over. When all three of them were freshly showered and dressed, they went to the dining table, where Mama Miya and Miyake were setting up the dishware and food.

During dinner, Mama Miya and Miyake listened as the triplets explained Atsuko's brutal stamina and endurance practice and how Atsumu and Osamu freaked out seeing her barely able to walk. They further explained walking home with a bunch of their teammates, where one of them, Suna Rintarou, recorded most of their antics.

Atsuko: Hold up! Did you just say Rintarou, as in, our classmate Suna Rintarou recorded y'all carrying me home?

Atsumu: Yes. Rin, our classmate, who's also our teammate, recorded us.

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