Chapter 26

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Later at night, when everyone was comfortable at home, the first-year group chat sounded, being brought to life.

Atsuko: So, Anna about that birthday BBQ this weekend. Wanna share the details with the class?

Anna: No, thanks teacher Atsuko. Lol.

Sana: Aww Anna why not? Your family can't be that embarrassing. Nothing beats the embarrassment of being friends with the Miyas.

Atsuko: Hey!

Osamu: I don't know what you mean, we aren't that bad.

Hiyori: Aren't that bad? Do y'all not remember the time you walked home after practice carrying Atsuko?

Suna: *sends video*

Atsuko: Rin...why do you still have that video? I thought I deleted it from your phone. :)

Suna: Did you? I don't remember that.

Ginjima: Lol RIP Rintarou.

Mao: You'll be dearly missed.

Atsuko: You're lucky I'm no longer embarrassed by that video, finding it funny now. Or we would have a repeat of what went down.

Meanwhile in the first-and second-year volleyball chat.

Aran: I know my little sis will attempt whatever means to not tell y'all the BBQ details, so here they are. Our place Saturday @ Noon.

Atsumu: Thanks Aran-kun.

Osamu: Thank you, Aran-kun.

Suna: *Liked a message*

Ginjima: Will be there.

Omimi: *Liked a message*

Akagi: Okay.

Kita: Schedule cleared. Also, if your sister doesn't want people to come, shouldn't you not share the details?

Aran: Nah. Our parents invited y'all, so you have to come. Plus, I wouldn't be a big brother if I didn't mess with my little sister.

Kita: Understandable.

Back to the first-year group chat.

Atsumu: If Anna doesn't want to share the details, we will.

Anna: What do you mean?

Ginjima: Ojiro Household this Saturday at Noon.

Anna: WHAT! Who told you?!?

Osamu: We have our ways.

Anna: .... Wait, it was my brother, wasn't it?

Suna: That is classified information. We cannot confirm or deny.

Anna: I'll be right back.

Mao: She's going to confront her brother isn't she?

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