Chapter 17

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With Golden Week coming to an end, the basketball and volleyball teams tried making the most of their remaining time, dedicated solely to their sport, not having school as a distraction. For only a month into the school year, the teams were looking promising come tournament time and seemed to bond well, fixing any issues from before the weeklong training began.

In gym two, the girls were huddled preparing for their practice game against Itachiyama Institute, who were still on their way.

Coach Inoue: Okay, girls, it's not long until Itachiyama arrives, and we still have to set up all the equipment, but Coach Tanaka and I would like to say a few words. These past few days, we have seen every single one of you put in 100% no wait, 120% into improving individually and as one loud, aggressive, and confident team. Which isn't easy considering I make y'all put in the work. However, I couldn't be prouder as your head coach wondering what new heights you'll achieve from this moment forth. You should all be proud of yourselves. This may be our last practice match before Interhigh Preliminaries, so let's make the most of today and beat those weasels.

Coach Tanaka: Once again, we are proud of how much growth you've accomplished in a week. Win or lose, today is a learning experience, a steppingstone, towards our main goal of winning Nationals. But pay close attention to the way Itachiyama plays because on the path to winning Nationals, we're bound to come across them.

Coach Inoue: Now, let's hurry and set up all the equipment before they arrive.

Everyone: Yes Coach!

When Itachiyama's basketball team arrived, Inarizaki were all doing various things. Some were warming up, while others were sitting down to conserve energy. Stepping into the gym, the two teams were able to fully see and greet each other.

On Wednesday, although Atsuko got a glimpse of Itachiyama's volleyball team dressed in their yellow-green tracksuit, seeing the uniform up close, she thought they looked like ripening bananas. After the thought passed, all of her teammates turned their heads in her direction with laughter, confusion, or amusement. The people who laughed the most were Momoka and Shiori.

Shiori: OMG! Atsuko, did you just say their uniforms look like ripening bananas?

Atsuko: Oh, no, did I say that out loud? I swear, I didn't mean to. I swear.

Sana: Ai, you had another one of your unfiltered moments, speaking before your brain could process. You know, one of these days you'll get yourself in trouble.

Momoka: HAHA! I've played against them for two years and not once did that connection occur to me. That's a good one. They really do look like ripening bananas.

Atsuko: Momoka-san, Shiori-san, y'all aren't mad over what I said about Itachiyama?

Shiori: Mad? Of course not.

Momoka: Oh, please, they call us noisy foxes. I don't care if you call them ripening bananas. In fact, over the years, we've called them entitled weasels because they got that Tokyo money.

Not only did all of Inarizaki hear the ripening banana comment, some of Itachiyama heard. Particularly their captain, Iizuna Misaki and second year Komori Reina, who initially drew their attention to them wondering why they were all laughing. Only to hear the third years repeat what was said, teasing Atsuko.

Misaki felt offended by the comment, having great pride in her school and its colors. Reina, on the other hand, knew she should feel offended but wasn't, thinking it was too funny liking the unknown girl's originality.

During Inarizaki's pre-game huddle the coaches and captains warned the first years about Itachiyama. Having played them in the past, they knew to watch out for their upperclassmen, Misaki and Reina. As well as Misaki's younger sister Ayane, who just joined. If she's anything like her older sister, she was someone they needed to look out for.

The Miya Triplets | Komori Motoya (On Pause)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora