Chapter 7

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On the court, the tallest player, the center, for each team faced each other on opposite sides of the half-court line inside the center circle. The other players spread themselves outside and around the center circle, next to an opposing player ready for offense or defense. The entire audience watched in silence as the referee inside the center circle asked the two players if they were ready for the tip-off. Both players confirmed they were ready, and the referee blew their whistle, then threw the ball straight up and in-between the players.

Immediately, the center players jumped up and tried to touch the ball when it reached its highest point. The opposing team managed to tip the ball first towards one of their players, giving them first possession of the ball. All the players quickly organized themselves into their defensive or offensive positions, running down the court towards the basket. The opposing player with possession of the ball rushed towards the basket trying to pull a fast one with a lay-up, but missed.

One of the Yako Junior High players caught the rebound and held the ball, allowing time for defense to switch to offense and vice versa. Within ten seconds, all of the opposing team were on the other side in defense positions and the ball was dribbled down past the half-court line to avoid a back-court violation. Still in possession of the ball, the Yako Junior High player chest passed the ball to a teammate past the defense. The new player in possession drove the ball towards the basket, and shot the ball, scoring the first basket of the game.

The opposing team quickly passed the ball into the court, dribbling down towards their basket. Yako Junior High's defense was already set up, applying pressure to the offense. However, the offense cut through and scored. Both teams continued switching possession, shooting, fouling, and making plays for the remainder of the eight-minute quarter. When the first quarter finished, the teams had a few seconds to catch their breath before the second quarter commenced.

In the lineup for the second quarter, Atsuko and Sana subbed in for two of their upperclassmen. Seeing Atsuko and Sana on the court, the Miya family cheered from above. Yako Junior High had possession of the ball, with Sana taking the ball out and passing it to one of the upperclassmen. The upperclassmen dribbled the ball down and passed to Atsuko. Catching the ball, Atsuko dribbled around the person guarding her, turned around and quickly shot the ball, scoring. Unable to waste time celebrating her first basket of junior high, Atsuko and her teammates quickly switched gears for defense. On defense, Atsuko applied pressure to the player with the ball by being up close with arms up. She forced the player to stop away from the basket and pass to a teammate, where Sana intercepted and stole the ball.

Sana dribbled the ball towards the basket for a lay-up, missing it but getting fouled in the process. Since the ball missed, she received two free-throw shots. After Sana missed the first free throw, her teammates on the court gave her a fist bump as a form of encouragement or "nice try". During the second attempt, Sana scored.

For the rest of the second quarter, other players from both teams would sub in and out and a thirty-second timeout from the visiting team was called. At this point in the game, Yako Junior High had a comfortable lead, but that was no excuse to slack off. To play means trying your hardest for yourself, your team, and to show respect towards your opponents.

In the second half of the game, Atsuko and Sana were subbed in and out of the game every so often. On the bench, the two were seen and heard cheering for the players on the court. When they were on the court, the two helped their upperclassmen keep the ball moving, looking for opportunities to score and guarding their opponents while the Miya family cheered crazily from the viewing area. In the end, Yako Junior High were victorious, and the two girls stuck to their one-basket record with several assists.

In high spirits, the team went to their clubroom and changed. After changing, Atsuko and Sana left for the school entrance gates, where the rest of the Miyas were waiting for their arrival. When Atsuko and Sana were in view, Atsumu and Osamu bombarded them with congratulations and retelling their favorite parts of the game.

Atsumu: Atsu! Sana! Congrats, you guys won your first junior high game and scored points.

Osamu: Congrats, it was a good game.

Atsuko and Sana: Thanks.

Atsuko: I wish I scored more, but at least I made a basket during my debut game.

Sana: Same.

Mama Miya: You both did well, you should be proud of yourselves even if you only scored once. There's always next time and room for improvement.

Atsumu: Yeah. You'll do better next time.

Osamu: It's only the beginning of our middle school sports experience.

Atsuko: You're right. I better save those words of encouragement to use tomorrow after your debut game.

Sana: Oh, that's right, the first volleyball game is tomorrow. I'll be sure to watch and cheer like you did for us today.

Mama Miya: Okay. Kids, as much as I would like to stand here and talk about the game and tomorrow, it's a little past dinner time, we should head home to eat and rest up for tomorrow. Sana, do you need to be dropped home or are your parents coming to pick you up?

Sana: My parents are picking me up...that's them right there. Bye! I'll see you at the volleyball game tomorrow.

Miya Family: Bye, Sana!

Mama Miya: Kids, let's roll.

Miya Triplets: Woooo!

When the Miya household arrived home, they prepared and ate dinner together. During dinner time, they continued talking about the game, coming up with ways to help Atsuko improve and prepare for her next game. They also discussed the logistics for tomorrow's game. Since the volleyball game is in the afternoon, Atsumu and Osamu will walk alone to the school for pre-game practice after eating breakfast, then Mama Miya and Atsuko will drive over near starting time.

With the time remaining until bed, the triplets practiced volleyball together in the backyard as Mama Miya watched, cleaning from inside the house.

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