Chapter 20

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Wednesday came around, the first morning practice Atsuko will attend. Every morning before school the entire Miya household eat breakfast together. On the days Atsumu and Osamu have morning practice, they leave super early to properly warm up and fit in individual practice by themselves or with teammates. Knowing they leave early, Atsuko has time to walk over without suspicion.

The two boys finished breakfast going into their room, grabbing their practice and school bags. Heading out the front door, the two said goodbye to Mama Miya and later to Atsuko, assuming they won't meet until homeroom. A few minutes after they left, Atsuko finished her food, packing an extra pair of gym clothes for after school, bringing her practice and school bags to the front. In the kitchen, Mama Miya was cleaning up breakfast, hearing Atsuko's commotion getting ready. When Atsuko felt she had waited long enough to distance herself from her brothers, Mama Miya called for her.

Mama Miya: Atsuko, sweetie, could you come here?

Atsuko: Yes Mama?

Mama Miya: Take this bento to help reenergize and get through morning classes.

Atsuko: I thought only Atsumu and Osamu got a snack bento when they have morning practice?

Mama Miya: Is morning volleyball practice not what you're getting ready for?

Atsuko: No, Mama, I am going, but how did you know or have a bento prepared?

Mama Miya: I'm your mother. I know the three of you. It was a matter of time before you began joining your brothers' practices. Every time I made their bento I made one for you, and if you didn't go, I ate your share when you're at school.

Atsuko: Do you think Tsumu and Samu suspect me or want me at their practices?

Mama Miya: Of course, they do. Y'all are like three peas in a pod. Sometimes when you'd be off doing something or briefly leave the room, your brothers would express feeling bad about leaving you to walk alone. They didn't know how to bring it up in case you didn't want to play volleyball with them.

Atsuko: What! Of course, I would like to play volleyball with them. Volleyball is way up there next to my love for basketball.

Mama Miya: Okay, don't just tell me tell your brothers. Go show those other boys, Atsumu and Osamu aren't the only Miyas who can play volleyball.

Atsuko: I will. I'll be sure to surprise them. Thank you for the bento. Bye Mama.

Mama Miya: Bye sweetie.

After around ten minutes of walking, Atsuko entered the school grounds heading to gym one. Outside the gym doors, the sound of shoes squeaking, yelling, and volleyballs hitting the court could be heard. As she was changing her shoes to enter the gym, the head coach Kurosu approached from behind.

Coach Kurosu: Hello, Atsuko­-chan. I see you're already wearing practice clothes.

Atsuko: Good morning, Coach Kurosu. I wanted to come prepared, not waste a moment more away from the court.

Coach Kurosu: That's the spirit. Let's head inside and have ourselves a practice game, shall we. Don't want to keep everyone waiting.

Atsuko: Yes, Coach.

Walking into the gym, all the players' attention was drawn to the opening doors. Prepared to greet their head coach like usual, to their surprise, a young girl also stood at the entrance. With everyone's gaze on Atsuko, she walked to the bench to place her bags down as a few of the players approached.

The Miya Triplets | Komori Motoya (On Pause)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें