Chapter 41. Solid Partners

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A few days passed.

That day, I got a message from Wang Yibo.

"Don't eat dinner without me. See you tonight."

Direct, Commanding yet sweet.
No, I mean...
Free food is sweet.

I informed my mother that I'll eat outside today and waited for him.

I am standing at the bus stop alone.
Even the bus has passed. My last bus. He isn't here.

At that time, I see a bike's headlight.


"Did you wait for long?"

I did. One sec felt eternity.

"No. I just got there." I say. Lying is modesty if it makes others feel good.

"Um.. hop on." He passes me a helmet, "Don't tell anyone about it. Oky?"

Oh, it's a secret?

He invited me now saying it's a secret.

Huh... It's like how lovers manage to slip out to meet up.

"Why aren't you coming?"

"Yes." I wear the helmet. I'm having little difficulty tying the strap. So he bends closer to tie it for me.

"Even a baby knows how to do it."

"I'm very old and outdated so I don't know. Alright? Happy?" I sneer.

He hits me slowly then we move from there.

He takes me to a restaurant. It's not too fancy. And as it's late, there weren't many people inside.

We order as we sit.

"Sir, You look completely like Wang Yibo. Um, no Wait, are you Wang Yibo?" The waitress asks.

"Do you think so? I hear this a lot that I look like Wang Yibo." Wang Yibo says in a nonchalant face.

"Y..e..a.." the waitress believes that he is not Wang Yibo and somewhat replies and leaves.

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