Haru x Makoto Bath

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Like every morning, the green-eyed orca had to make sure the blue-eyed dolphin would get out the bath and out the door for school. But, like every morning, Haru decided to make mackerel after being forced out the bath by Makoto.

"Haru. Are you ever just gonna get up in the morning and have breakfast on time without going into the bath?"

Makoto sighed,
"I won't be doing this forever you know."
Haru's eyes widened,
Makoto looked at Haru with guilt,
"I'm leaving for university soon. You know I won't be there like I always am."
Haru looked down. The mackerel started to burn but Haru was to spaced out to even notice.

Makoto looked up at Haru and saw he was nearly crying,
"Well when it's your last night, let's go in a bath together, okay?
Makoto's eyes shot up but then he closed them and smiled,
"Okay, Haru-chan."
For once, Haru didn't moan about the chan, he smiled then silently cried with Makoto hugging him from behind.

-3 months later-
It was Makoto's last night and the promise he made to Haru wasn't about to be broken. He went round to Haru's and saw that he was in the bath with his swimsuit.
"Still wearing the swimsuit Haru?"
"Hm. Yeah. What about you?"
"I actually copied you and wore mine under neath."
Makoto took all his clothes of so he was left in his swimsuit. He got into the bath with Haru between his legs. Makoto hugged Haru from behind and they spoke.
"So your going away to university tomorrow, huh?
"Yeah. I will be away for about 3 years but I will still come back to visit on the holidays."
"That's good then."
Makoto stayed silent but Haru could tell he wanted to cry. Haru moved away from Makoto and instead sat in front of him. What Haru did next was unexpected. He kissed Makoto. Not just a peck. It was a passionate kiss, gentle but rough at the same time. Makoto was suprised but then he kissed back and started dominating Haru's mouth.
"Mm mm." Haru started moaning in the kiss. He could feel Makoto smirk and then he could feel Makoto's tongue exploring his mouth. Making sure every part inside his mouth was marked by Makoto.

Makoto broke the kiss and started to suck on Haru's neck.
"Hehe. Sorry Haru. I just can't hold back."
And they made love in the bath.
The end.

Sorry minna. There will probably be a small amount of lemon that I would do.
Rebexii ~chu~

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