Rin x Reader First kiss under the stars and our future....

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Hey minna! So here is my new one shot! Hope you guys like it! Or not, and for the title...

I'm sure you get it?...right? Anyway on with the story... (No ones POV)

(Y.n) and Rin have been dating for almost 2 years and haven't even kissed yet! Rin was hoping for their 2 year anniversary that it would finally happen and maybe escalate into something more. (You know what I mean!😜)
Whilst Rin was getting ready, (y.n) was freaking out about what may happen after the date. Sure Rin waited til she was ready but she kept overthinking. They haven't kissed which she hopes may happen tonight but it's....afterwards...

Rin and (y.n) met up at the XXX train station and set off for their date. Rin chose the name place so (y.n) didn't know where she was going.
After walking around Tokyo for a bit they stopped outside a planetarium. Rin knew his astromic girlfriend has a passion for the stars (minna, if you don't...pretend you do, if you can't, think of RAINBOWS...). (Y.n) was starstruck and couldn't believe she was at the most famous planetarium in all of Tokyo. "Rin! Arigato." She squeled. "Hehe. Your welcome, (y.n)." Rin and his fangirling girlfriend walked into the planetarium and looked up. There were stars all around them and Rin couldn't help but look at his beautiful girlfriend in awe as the stars twinkled in her eyes.

"I can see you staring at me."
"Rin. You were staring at me. Haha."
"N-no I wasn't."
"Your acting like a tsundere now, Rin?
This made Rin mad, "I ain't a tsundere (y.n)!

His fangirling girlfriend looked so taken aback. Sure he always shouted, but never at his beloved. Never. (Y.n) started to cry.
"S-s-sorry. I w-won't say I-it again."
Rin finally realised he shouted at her and started to feel regretful and guilty.
"No. I'm so sorry for shouting at you (y.n). I won't do it again. Promise."

Rin went over to his beloved and pulled her into a hug. Or tried too. As he was pulling her, she tripped and fell, with Rin along side her. The position they were now in, was Rin's back against a wall with (y.n) in between his legs, gripping onto his t-shirt.
"Sorry Rin." His beloved whispered.
He chuckled and pulled her into a hug.
"(Y.n) it's okay."

They stayed that way until gripped (y.n) and pulled her away from him so he could see her face. His honeys face was red, from blushing. Rin took the opportunity to go forward and kiss her.
She was so taken aback from what was happening right now in front of her. Rin was giving them there first kiss. As he was kissing her, he wanted entrance to her mouth. (Y.n) didn't know what to do so she declined.

Rin was pouting. "Why won't you let me in?"
"I-I don't know how to kiss."
"Neither do I but we aren't gonna find out sitting here in this position.
The position they were now in was (y.n) sitting on Rin's lap, straddling him.
She started blushing again, so Rin kissed her again. He tried to get entrance to her mouth but refused once again. Rin had to take drastic measures.
He moved from her mouth to her neck and started sucking on his beloveds neck, leaving light bruises of blue and purple. (Y.n) started moaning but still wouldn't open her mouth. So Rin started finding her sweet spot on her neck.
(Y.n) moaned louder and Rin started sucking on the spot that made his girlfriend moan louder than before. As he was sucking there (y.n) opened her mouth to let out a moan and Rin took the chance to stick his tongue in. His beloved started moaning into the kiss, not even trying to fight for dominance.
After 5 minutes of making out, Rin and (y.n) pulled away with a string of saliva connected their tongues. They were so out of breath they couldn't talk.
It was their first kiss under the stars of the planetarium which Rin's beloved loved.
They were lucky. As it was only them and they could make out as much as they want.
A security guard came by to tell them that their date was over and they needed to leave. Rin checked the time...


They were making out in the planetarium for over 4 hours. (Y.n) looked pretty flushed and couldn't even talk without stuttering. On the other hand Rin was in a mood. As they couldn't finish what they were doing. Despite it making out. (Y.n) was staying at Rin's tonight as she does every Saturday. They didn't do anything though, as she was scared and wasn't ready....for that.

Once they got back to Rin's, Rin went for a shower and (y.n) got into her pyjamas and into bed. She was really tired. But over the moon that she was able to have her first kiss under the stars, like she dreamed of. And couldn't wait to see what would happen in the future for her and Rin. And yet Rin, was thinking of the exact same thing, smiling in the shower.

Rin came out of the shower to see his beautiful girlfriend sleeping. She was having a lovely dream as she was smiling in her sleep. Rin chuckled,
"I love you so much (y.n). And hopefully their will be more in the future, as well."
"I love you too, Rinrin."

His beloved girlfriend opened one eye and smiled.
"Let's go too sleep and maybe, we can both dream our future, together."

With that, Rin and his beloved fell asleep, having a dream, of their future.


Well minna, how was that!?
I personally enjoyed writing this one because I just love planetariums and studying the stars. It's a hobbit though.

Rin wasn't himself but he is sweet in this one. Hope you guys can comment for requests and vote.

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Aomine x Reader
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Ciao minna,
Rebexii ~chu~

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