Rei x Reader : Technology

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Well... your pretty much only caring about your phone and playing video games in this shot but what will Rei do to stop you? He wants attention and he will get way or another.....mwhahahaha


You and Rei have been besties for as long as you can remember. Though as you both grew up, you became more antisocial with Rei as he got fed up with you being obsessed with your phone. Rei had a phone but never spent all his time on it.

Rei had enough and started to find away to get you away from the tech gadget for at least a day.
But what you didn't know was Rei had a crush on you. But he didn't know you had one on him too.

"What Rei-chan?"
"Get off your phone and do your homework!"
"Eh?! Don't wanna!"

All of a sudden Rei had an idea!


All of a sudden Rei came round and sat in front of you. You didn't even flinch or look up. Or even notice he was there because you were to attached to your technology than the boy in front of you.

Rei kissed you. This made you look up.

"That was punishment for ignoring me and being more bothered about technology than actually looking at what's around you."
It took you a while to realise but you vowed never again to go on your phone at Rei's house.

He can be a real pervert.

I can't be bothered writing a big story so here ya go!
Rebexii ~chu~

Kuroko no Basuke and Free! One shots!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora