Rin x Shy! Reader : My love

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Requested by @jademichaelis.
Thanks for requesting.

Also no more Rin requests for now. There's too many. Please request another Free character or Kuroko no Basuke Character.

You were the shy girl. You were always nervous when talking to other people. Except one person. Rin. You and Rin were penpals. You lived in Australia whilst he lived in Japan. When you found out he was going to Australia to practice swimming, you were ecstatic.

You met him at the airport a week later and hugged him tightly. He was your only friend, who truly understood you. You were Lori's niece (Rin's foster mother). So you got to see Rin everyday and even go to school together.

You became happier. But you still wouldn't talk in school. Rin knew your shyness. But one day, a group of girls surrounded you and started harrassing you for being around Rin. You didn't stop and instead got bullied. You never told Rin.

When he had to go back to Japan, you were lonely. You were together until 16 years old and then he left. He didn't write or message you for the year he was away. You suffered from bullying for Rin. Because you wanted to stay close to him.

You spent that whole year thinking about Rin. You eventually fell in love with him. He was on your mind 24/7.

And then, a year later he came back, with a friend. You ran towards your aunties house and slammed open the door.

"(First name)!"

He engulfed you in a big hug, saying he was sorry for not contacting and how much he missed you. You forgave him.

You found out his friends name was Haru. You chatted with Haru and found out lots of info about Rin and how he was crying.

You still didn't tell him about your suffering though. That was a different story to be told another time. What was more important was Rin.

He took you to the beach the day after to catch up some more. Until you told him about the bullying. He was shocked and angry about why you didnt tell him. And it was because,

"I love you!"

Rin looked shocked and his mind tried to process what you said but instead he acted on instinct. He kissed you.

"You're an idiot for not telling me but maybe thats what i love about you."


All you knew was that, in that moment...he was your love.

Sorry for the long update. Been busy. Can't chat so until next time,


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