Akashi x Kuroko Why?

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Kuroko had loved Akashi. Had. Kuroko confessed at the last day of Middle School but was rejected harshly.
# a la flashyback #

"Tetsuya. How disgusting!" Akashi had sneered.
Kuroko looked down with his eyes wide open in shock. He didn't dare look at Akashi in the eyes but he said sorry and walked off to the rooftop, and cried his heart out. He didn't expect Akashi to be harsh like that. It broke his heart.

In the gym, Akashi couldn't concentrate. Despite harshly rejecting Kuroko, he felt guilty and frustrated.

"Why was I so harsh to Tetsuya?"

Akashi knew then, he regretted turning down Tetsuya. He wanted to apologise. But as it was the last day, he may have went home already. He ran out the gym and search for his beloved.

Kuroko left the rooftop and headed in the direction of his home. He loved Akashi. And he wanted nothing more than to be with him. But he was harshly rejected.

Kuroko turned around to see Akashi running towards him. Kuroko didn't want to see Akashi, especially the way his face looked.
"Akashi-Kun!" "Don't come closer. You think I'm disgusting right?!"
A guy loving another guy is disgusting. Just like you said. I want to forget it ever happened but I just love you too much to forget even though you won't love me back."
"Tetsuya! Shut up for a moment!" Akashi yelled.

Kuroko looked up and saw that Akashi was right in front of him. He started crying again til he was cut off.
Akashi kissed him, passionately. Kuroko was shocked at the start of the kiss, but ended up melting into the kiss. Akashi broke the kiss and cupped Kuroko's face.

"I felt guilty. I really do love you Tetsuya. I will never hurt you again."
"Why? Why are you saying this now? Why? Tell me!"

Akashi kissed Kuroko once again, his tongue asking for entrance which Kuroko accepted.

It lasted for a whole 5 minutes before both males pulled away and caught their breath.

"You want to know why Tetsuya? It's because I love you!💗"

"Me too Akashi-kun."

Hey minna!
I'm back. Sorry for slow updates. I'm being lazy!

This was kinda short...wasn't it? Oh well, I haven't been inspired much, but don't worry I will be updating a lot more.

Anyway. Not many people have read this......yet. But thanks for the reads anyway.

Up next shall be....
Rin x Reader
Aomine x Reader
KnB and Free! React to.....
Facebook post by Kise

And many many more!

Rebexii ~chu~

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