Roses are Red, Violets are Blue...

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The song above is EXO - Growl
It is currently my fave song and I will not, I repeat, WILL not stop listening to it! *scissors, snip, snip*
The guy with the pinky peach hair from EXO-m is my fave.

Also I found these. So credit to the owner....

Anyway let this begin........
This is Akashi❤️ and Kuroko💎

Akashi❤️ Roses are Red, Your eyes are Blue. Love never crossed my mind 'til the day I met you.
Kuroko💎 Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. Sugar is sweet and so is Akashi-kun.
Akashi❤️ Kuroko that is so sweet of you. I will make you mine tonight.
Kuroko💎 *actually fanboying inside* okay Akashi-kun.

*Kise💛 and Aomine💙 have a fight then Murasakibara💜 and Midorima💚 joins in with Kuroko💎 at the end*

Aomine💙 Roses are red, violets are blue. God gave me 5 fingers and the middle ones for you.
Kise💛 Roses are red, violets are blue. Japanese are white, what happened to you?
Murasakibara💜 Roses are red, violets are blue. Mine-chin and Kise-chin are idiots and that's forever true.
Kise💛 Roses are red, violets are blue. I have a lot of snacks and I'm not sharing with you.
Midorima💚 Roses are red, violets are blue. When I point out idiots, that would be you.
Aomine💙 Roses are red, violets are blue. Green is a perverted colour and so are you.
Midorima💚 Roses are red, dead ones are grey. Now tell me, does your mother know your gay?
Kise💛 Haha. Well done Midorimacchi!
Kuroko💎 Roses are red, violets are blue. Leave the comments box or I'll ignite pass all of you.
Murasakibara💜 Okay Kuro-chin
Kuroko💎 Roses are red, violets on blue. Leave now or Akashi-kun will get you.
Aomine💙 He's serious. I'm leaving
Kise💛 Bye
Akashi❤️ Well done Tetsuya
Kuroko💎 Thank you Akashi-kun.


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Rebexii ~chu~

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