Kagami x Reader : English

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Requested by @DayBreakWriter.
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"I can't do it Taiga. Its impossible for someone like me."

You were trying to learn English but it wasnt going very well. Though Kagami tried to get you to at least a sentence, it just seemed like jibberish to you. You had an english test coming up and you were already failing.

"Come on (first name). You can do it. Just remember. Okay so say this then say what it means. I am going on holiday." You looked at him with so much confusion. But you understood some words.

"I going holiday."
Kagami smiled,
"Close but its I am going on holiday."
"Oh right. I get it."

You learned a bit better with Kagami's strategy. Though you kept laughing when you found out he failed his English test, saying it was to formal.

"Okay do you want anything to drink before we go on to the next phrases? "
"Yes please. "

Kagami went into the kitchen and you stared at the phrases you were doing next. There was one you knew well and had an idea.

Kagami came back in with 2 glasses and a jug full of lemonade. You poured yourself a glass and told Kagami you were ready.

Before he could say anything you cut in by saying
"I love you."
And you smiled.

Kagami took in what he heard. And he blushed.

"H-how do you know that one?"
"Ive been wanting to tell you that for ages. Also this tutoring session was to just get close to you. I actually speak great English."

Kagami was gobsmacked. He didn't know what to say except,
"I love you too, you idiot."

So where on earth have i been?

I havent had thr greatest week to be honest. I was at my friends 16th birthday and everyone just hated on me. I couldn't wait to get home.

Also im on my holiday right now. School holiday. And being stuck inside is horrible. But ill be updating a lot now until 19th October which is when ill be back at school.

Also i may end this book at 100 chapters. I have other books im writing and im still writing the ones i have published.

But bring in those requests.

No Rin x Reader please. To many already :)

Until the next chapter,


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