A little drabble

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One winter day, Kuroko, Kagami, Aomine and Kise decided to go outside and have a snowball fight.

Kise threw a snowball at Aomine and Aomine got angry.

Aomine started chasing Kise with snowballs and landed on top of him.

Aomine started messing around with Kise, to Kise's enjoyment.

Kagami and Kuroko were watching.

Kagami felt awkward but Kuroko got pissed off.

Whilst Aomine and Kise were rolling about in the snow and Aomine trying to get intimate with Kise in front of Kagami and Kuroko, Kuroko was making a very big snowball.

Kagami said to Kuroko,
"What are you doing?!"

Kuroko then Ignite pass the snowball towards Aomine and Kise and knocked them out.

Kagami wanted to ask Kuroko to play a snowball fight but he thought twice and walked away.

Kuroko went home.

What happened to Aomine and Kise??

Let's say they didn't die but suffered.

They passed out from the impact for a couple of hours.

But they are okay now.

It was all Akashi's idea apparently.


Heya guys. Still no questions yet. And for the ships and OTPs...only one request.

Rebexii ~chu~

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