Facebook post by Akashi

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Ignore the picture, minna! I haven't updated my camera roll with new KnB and Free! pics so this is the only new one I could find. Anyway enjoy....

Akashi Seijuro
Tetsuya. Thank you for last night. I hope you enjoyed yourself.
10 minutes ago
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Kuroko Tetsuya: Akashi-kun my back still hurts.

Aomine Daiki: E-eh?!

Midorima Shintarou: What did you two do last night?!

Akashi Seijuro: What do you mean, Shintarou, Daiki?

Kuroko Tetsuya: I don't know but my back is getting worse. It's really sore Akashi-kun. You overdid it.

Kise Ryouta: W-what?! Kurokocchi?! Akashicchi?!

Murasakibara Atsushi: I didn't know Kuro- chin and Aka-chin were doing that.

Akashi Seijuro: Seriously! What do you four think we were doing?

Aomine Daiki: You know what!

Kuroko Testsuya: You are making no sense Aomine-kun.

Midorima Shintarou: He means if you two did 'it' last night.

Akashi Seijuro: Ah! Maybe we did, maybe we didn't.

Kise Ryouta: Which one was it?!

Akashi Seijuro: You dare shout at me Ryouta? Tetsuya, how is your back? I'm sorry for over doing it.

Murasakibara Atsushi: So Aka-chin and Kuro-chin did do it?

Kuroko Tetsuya: Akashi-kun. My back is okay now. Also stop giving them hope. We were playing Twister and he kept cheating, giving me hard ones.

Aomine Daiki: ...

Midorima Shintaro: ...

Kise Ryouta: ...

Murasakibara Atsushi: ...

Akashi Seijuro: Thanks for spoiling that Tetsuya. You shall be punished pleasurably. *smirk*

Kuroko Tetsuya: ...okay....

Aomine Daiki: Seriously!?

Rebexii ~chu~

Kuroko no Basuke and Free! One shots!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ