Midorima x Reader I hate you, I love you

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Well! Hi guys! Sorry for the long updates.....

Just having a tough time right now...

But I am here with a new one-shot so please relax, sit back and enjoy the story,



Midorima looked over at you with a very confused face.


You were mocking him. Despite him being your tsundere boyfriend, you liked to mock him.


Midorima sighed and pretended that he didn't care about what you were doing and continued with his studies. Even though it was the summer break, he kept on studying. All you could do was sit with him and keep him company but it looked like you were annoying him instead of helping. Midorima hasn't been paying attention to you lately because of his studies. You didn't even have exams on when you went back to school.

2 weeks later

Back at school, you were gloomy. Everyone in class were all talking about their summer, yet you done nothing but sit with Midorima. In fact, you were angry. Everyone in your class knew you never got angry because you were the happiest girl in school. This was the reason Midorima loved you. He loved how you could be happy and bright, even when their was a lot of negativity around.

Midorima noticed you sitting looking unhappy, which surprised him and everyone in the class. Boys went up to Midorima asking what did he do.

"I haven't done anything, nanodayo."
"You must of done something. (Y.n)-chan looks really sad right now. And you especially, knows she never gets upset."

Couple of lessons later

It was lunch time and usually you spent it with Midorima on the rooftop, but when you got there he wasn't there. You sat and ate your lunch and during that time, Midorima never turned up. You finished your lunched and packed it away. The bell went for next class and you went back. Though something was different and everyone in your class looked even more shocked than ever. Your eyes were red and emotionless and your face was blank. You noticed Midorima wasn't in the classroom but you didn't care anymore. You had enough.

He didn't make you happy.
He didn't make you smile.
He never spent time with you.
He felt annoyed when you were over at his during summer.
He ruined your summer.
He never said anything nice. Always nanodayo or Baka.
He never ever said, "I love you."

You were unhappy and frankly you had enough. When you saw Midorima standing outside the gates after school, you went up to him and growled.

"I want to break up."

Your eyes shot open and you looked at him with hatred.

"I hate you."

You ran away home crying your eyes out. But what you didn't know, that Midorima was crying as he knew that this was going to happen.

4 years later....

Now you are 21 years old and beautiful. Over those 4 years, you realised you still loved Midorima with all your heart but you could never forgive him.

Midorima was also 21 and was grown to be a handsome man. He still loved you and has never gotten over you but for this day to come is somewhat exciting to Midorima because, today was the day, he was going to contact you again. He wanted to meet face to face, even if he had to drag you out.

*beep beep beep beep beep*

Your phone started ringing and you noticed the number straight away. You hesitated but you knew you had to. You still loved him, after all.

"Shin-chan! What do you want?"
"...I want you to forgive me. I know I started to ignore you and neglect you 4 years ago...."
"The thing is, my father wanted me to break up with you but I couldn't so I had to ignore you which lead to you breaking up with me. I had to go to America to get my doctors degree, so I am now a doctor and I have been planning this for ages."
"I-I don't know what to say...."
"Look out your window."

And with the phone still stuck to your ear, you looked out the window to see what you wanted to see for 4 years...

Midorima, smiling so brightly you started to stutter which you could hear Midorima laughing on the other side of the phone, with which you could see outside.

"I love you (y.n)..."

"I-I love you too, baka!"


Kyaaaaaa! I enjoyed this one Minna!

Did you!?

I will update again tomorrow. Tell me what you think in the comments and give me any request.

Love you all,

Rebexii ~chu~

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