Kagami x Kuroko: Why the ex won't go away.

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♡Why the ex won't go away♡

Kagami and Kuroko had enough. The stalking was getting more and more oblivious and Kagami was about to snap the stalkers neck.

"Kise! Kuroko doesn't want you. Can you please f*ck off!?"

Kise wailed and cried crocodile tears. Since Kuroko split up with him he has been constantly stalking him. Kagami, who was now with Kuroko, was on his last breath of patience and he was going to end up beating up Kise if he didn't leave.

Kuroko. Despite his poker face, the stalkings were frightening him. He wanted Kise to go with someone else and just leave him alone but knowing Kise, that's a hard thing to do.

Kise wasnt leaving because he wanted Kuroko back. All to himself.

And so Kuroko and Kagami joined forces and Ignited passed and Meteor Jammed Kise's face.

The end

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