Free! React to Yaoi fanfiction about them (Todays: Haruka Nanase)

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Hey minna. What I am going to do is basically get each pair, write a short paragraph on the couple and see how they react to it. There's a lot and some are gonna be weird.
Today shall be Haruka Nanase!


1. Haru x Makoto

Haru and Makoto have been dating for over 2 years after Haru finally telling Makoto his true feelings. Though Haru was expecting more than just holding hands and hugging. He and Makoto haven't even kissed yet or done "it". Haru couldn't figure out why Makoto hasn't done anything, seeing as he was the dominant one.
"Makoto. I have a question."
"Ah! Haru. Sure tell me."
"Why haven't we done more than hold hands or hug? I get this feeling that your fed up or....."
Makoto went over to Haru and hugged him, tight. Haru didn't feel anything as he thought this was normal. Makoto would do things like this to shut Haru up, but now Haru had enough.
"Stop! You always hug me, to stop me from talking about things that are important to me."
"I want to kiss and do "it" with you Haru. It's just, I was hoping to have the right time to do it and tell you. But most of all, I was scared in case I did hurt you."
"Makoto I just want to become one with you. Is that bad? I love you Makoto."
"Me too Haru"
*imagination can go from there*

Rebexii: So Makoto and Haru. What are your reactions to this?
Makoto: I-it's well written, Bexii-chan.
Haru: I'm sorry.
*leaves with a blush right on his face*
Rebexii: Haru wait! There is still 5 more characters I haven't paired with you yet.
Haru: W-what?
*runs away*
Makoto: Haru.......


2. Haru x Nagisa
Nagisa had wonde..........

Haru: No........
Nagisa: Eh?! Haru-chan!
*Nagisa cries in corner*
Rebexii: Next one then, I suppose........


3. Haru x Rei

Rei: No need for a paragraph, Rebexii-san. I don't even ship this.
Haru: Me neither.
Rebexii: B-b-but.......
Rei and Haru: Bye


4. Haru x Rin
*Rebexii ties Haru up to make sure he doesn't escape*
Rebexii: NOW READ!

"Mmm Rin....a-ah." Haru moaned.
"Does that feel nice Haru?"
"Y-yes. A-ah Rin?"
"Yes Haru?"
"I want you."
*chuckles* "Hm. Being greedy there Haru. But okay."

Rin: Where's the rest?!
Rebexii: Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh! Rin you big perv!
Haru: Why write something like this?
Rebexii: Because Haru. Just because. Anyway who will you choose... Rin or Makoto?
Find out at the end.....


5. Haru x Sousuke

Haru and Sousuke: NO!
Rebexii: Okay then...


Hey minna! So today was Haru. Who shall be next? You can decide or not. No one comments.......

So anyway up next is......
Nagisa x Reader
Murasakibara x Hungry! Reader

Ciao minna,
Rebexii ~chu~

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