Taking Requests

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Since I am going to be off for a while I may as well take some requests.

I'll have you tagged so don't worry. All are acceptable.

I may have free time but I may only be writing a short chapter.

I'm currently on my holiday where the Internet is limited. I'll tell you all about it soon.

So requests are being accepted and please do request.

Also any one watch fairytail? (Currently writing 4 books)

Hope to see request,



So I have a new Kuroko no Basuke book but it's totally different from what you have seen before.

It is called 'Kuroko no Sins"

And I think you can get what it means by the title. If you want more please read the description and read my book.

The first chapter is Aomine Daiki and the deadly sin of Lust.

So I hope you guys will read it.

With love,


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