Chapter 15

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I rolled over to find Jason still passed out next to me, I smiled and kiss his back as I slowly get out of bed and wobble to the bathroom, bloody Alpha's, even tho I'm a hellhound and should be dominant by nature I actually don't mind being submissive in the bedroom I'm not sure if it's because I have to be a dominant figure for work and part of my brain wants to take a step back and let someone take over ever once in a while or whether it's because I want someone to look after me.  After I have done my business in the bathroom I walk back into the bedroom to see J waking up "Morning sweetheart" he mumbles I smile as I walk over and kiss his forehead "Morning, thought we could have showers, get dressed then have breakfast" "a shower together sounds like heaven" he stated as he gets out of bed heading for the door winking at me as he walks past "Ok babe, go get the shower started, I will just grab some extra towels".
As we sit down for a fry up breakfast Jason breaks the silence "So you have met my family, am I going to get to meet some of yours?" "Matt is my family, well......ummmm, I had a family......" I look at J. "Let me get my thoughts in order" he just nods his head, I stare out the window for a couple of minutes
" So, we were going out to celebrate the fact that me and Alex shifted for the first time, it was a week after our 15 birthday and dad said we could go out for dinner and the movies, I picked the movie and Alex picked the restaurant, even tho we were twins and looked the same, we had different personalities, Alex was quiet, reserved, was very good at watching and reading people, I was always on the go, loved basketball, hanging out with my friends, getting into trouble but we always stuck with each other, I knew his friends and he knew my friends, I guess you could say I was popular and he wasn't but it didn't matter to us anyways I've kinda gone off track. We went to the movies  and then went to this lovely little Italian place, it closed down 4 or 5 years back now, anyways dad was driving home me and Alex in the back seat, Alex was complaining his tummy hurt because he ate to much food, dad was laughing saying that he was going to have a food baby. Mum then started saying how Lucy was coming over to visit next weekend with her new boyfriend before I could complain mums window shattered then Alex's window, everything went in slow motion the whole car flipped over 2 or 3 times it came to a stop upside down, I think I was knocked unconscious I finally came round to see the car was on fire, I could see that mum was dead, I tried waking up Alex by shaking him but he didn't move, I screamed at him but still nothing, I then started to panic as I couldn't get my seat belt off, it finally opened and I fell forward, I crawled over to Alex, the fire was getting bigger and I knew I needed to get out so I left Alex and got out my side door and ran round to his but it wouldn't open I ran back round and pulled him out via my door and dragged him away from the car as it exploded. The police and everyone turned up, some random guy decided to drink and drive and fell asleep at the wheel of his car killing my mum, dad and brother" I don't know when I started crying and I also didn't noticed that Jason had moved to sit next to me and was holding my hand "I'm so sorry sweetheart"
I snuggled into his chest " so I was 15 years old, mum had a daughter from a previous relationship Lucy she was 25 when this happened now you would think that she would take in her half brother after what just happened, Nope she didn't she left me in foster care and disappeared didn't even come to the funeral, i found out later that I had been left everything in the Will, I'm wondering even to this day the reason she didn't take me in was because she was angry or jealous that I got left everything and she didn't. I haven't seen her since, I never bothered looking for her.  I met Matt in foster care he was my room mate, he was a school year above me, but we became inseparable, people would joke we were joined at the hip, I think I was so use to having my twin around I latched onto Matt and he needed someone to be there for him as well, we worked well together, as soon as he was 18 he got a small flat and basically I lived there for the next 8 months and has soon as I was 18 I moved in completely, we joined the army as soon as I finished my A levels" I looked up at Jason "I can't believe she would do that to you and leave you to fend for yourself" I could feel Rocky trying to break through "calm down Rocky it's in-the past now". "So Matt is my family, he is my dad, brother and best friend all rolled into one".
We didn't do much on Saturday, just hung out at mine, Jason went home in the evening but said he would be over Sunday, so I spent the evening at the gym and then catching up on Tv. Jason phoned me Sunday morning asking if he could pop over and see me. I'm just waiting for him to turn up when my phone starts ringing with that unknown number, I roll my eyes and answer
"Hi, is that Payton Knightly?"
"Who is asking?"
"Oh it's Umm Lucy" my heart stops, the door bell goes off and opening to see Jason there
"Lucy who?"
"Oh I'm his sister" I narrowed my eyes and Jason mouthed are you ok
"I don't have a sister, now good bye" I went to hang up when Lucy shouted "No wait, I'm so sorry Payton"
"Sorry for what? Abandoning me in foster care, not bothering to help with the funeral, not turning up to the funeral, leaving a 15 year old to deal with the death of his mum, dad and brother or the fact that you phone me 10 years later, what do you want?" I have been pacing back and forth with Jason just watching me
"I I I want to meet you, catch up"
"I miss you"
I laugh "no you don't, you want something, I'm not interested, I have a new family people who actually care for me, love me" Jason started to rub my hand, I smiled at him
"Well can we talk over the phone regularly?"
"No, well you can leave messages but I won't be replying for the next year"
"Because I have a life and a job that, doesn't involve you and I won't be in the country now good bye" I hung up and looked at Jason who came up and hugged me
"Was I......did......was that the right thing to do?" I mumbled into his shoulder "I don't know sweetheart, she can't just drop back into your life and expect you not to be angry" I nod but don't moved from his shoulder.

My Soldier My MateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora