Chapter 23

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What would Payton want me to do? I still can't answer that question. I know if it was for his family he would give himself over but this is my pack my family not his.....yet. he doesn't know them so why should he give himself up.

Aiden knocks on my door breaking me out of my thoughts "still thinking?" Aiden asks taking the seat in front of my desk, I nod "I know what he would do for his family but this is my pack not his yet, he doesn't know them, why would he possibly give his life for people he doesn't know" "I understand where your coming from but also remember he is a soldier he puts his life on the line for everyone in this country" "he isn't here, I'm doing this behind his back, he won't forgive me" we sit in silence for a few minutes "How about this Aiden, we send Cain back and the others" Aiden looks at me like I'm crazy
"hear me out, we send them back, saying they fought with us and only they survived but they did find out that the Hellhound is part of the pack but isn't in the country and won't be for at least 6 months, this will then give us time to plan for when they attack however Cain will be on our side, he just needs to make sure that the leaders come down with them and we can capture them, Payton will never leave this pack and we have solved the problem of the hunters" I can see Aiden thinking it over "that could work but we need to make sure Cain is 100% on our side"
I was explaining the plan to Cain "once we have the hunters, we will go back with you and help you rescue the rest of your pack and help you set your pack up again, do you know who will take over as Alpha?" "The Alpha and Luna have a son, he is at university with a few others from the pack, I managed to get a message to them saying do not come back until someone contacts them but I haven't managed to speak to him in 3 months" I handed him the phone "call him and explain everything"
"Hi Mika, it's Cain, I'm sorry it's taken so long to contact you, I have so much to tell you" I left him in the office and went to the kitchen to make some lunch. I bumped into Ryder and explained what was happening "I wonder why they want Payton? What can he do that we don't know about?" I shrug my shoulders "no idea" we go about in silence making lunch when Cain walks into the kitchen "thank you for letting me speak to Mika, obviously he is very upset but agrees with your idea, he wants to come with us when we all go back to free everyone if that's ok" "That's fine, we can call him, when everything happens."

So Cain and the other 4 guys leave the following day and will tell the hunters that Payton will not be back for 6 months giving us time to train and come up with a better plan, I have given Cain a phone that he is going to hide and we will contact through once a week so he can give me up dates which I will pass to Mika.

It's now been a week since Cain left. I have spent every night at Payton's, I can't sleep unless I'm there now. I'm currently working on the finances for the clubs when my phone starts to ring from an unknown number, my stomach drops, I slowly pick it up and answer it "Hello Jason speaking"
"HI Jason it's Matt" "Hi Matt, how are you? Are you with Payton?" "Umm I can't really talk right now, please can you meet me tomorrow at 10am at the barracks, do you need the address?"
"Matt, what's happened? Has something happened to Payton?"
"I'm sorry Jason, I can't talk about it, please come to the barracks tomorrow"
"Ok and no I don't need the address" I drop the call and sit back in my chair, I have my head in my hands, I don't know how long I was like that, I think hours until my mum and dad walk in happily chatting away to each other, I looked up and mum came running over "Jason love why are you crying?" I touch my face I haven't even noticed I was crying "I think something has happened to Payton, Matt phoned asking to meet him tomorrow at the barracks, when I asked about Payton he wouldn't answer me" both my parents hugged me, I was sobbing into them "I've only just found him, I can't lose him, I can't"
"Have you felt the bond break, has Rocky felt it break?" "No we haven't felt anything break" that night was the worst night of my life, every time I fell asleep I saw Payton dying or died in the end I gave up sleeping and went to the gym instead., hoping a workout would somehow calm me and Rocky down, I knew I couldn't shift and go for a run as Rocky would head straight for the barracks.

I'm waiting by my car for Matt to turn up, I can't stop from tapping my foot on the floor, I'm trying to distract myself with my phone, I look up as Matt pulls into the parking space next to me, he gets outs and before he has time to say anything I'm on him "what's happened, what's going on, I thought you guys were going to be gone a year it's been 3 months?" "Follow me and I will explain" I followed after him, he got me signed in, we were walking down a corridor in silence, when I picked up Payton's scent, I started to speed my pace up but remembered, I am a guest here and have no idea what's going on. We stop in front of a door Matt turns to me "I'm really sorry" I walk in and my world stops, I am just staring at the bed and then back at Matt "what happened?" I whispered as I take a step forward and slowly make my way up the hospital bed, I grab hold of Payton's hand it's cold, I pull up a chair so I can sit right next to him

My Soldier My MateOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora