Chapter 8

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I spent the morning with Max going through the books at the car shop, they were looking good, we definitely need a new mechanic to keep up with the MOT's and servicing, we recently updated the equipment so we can service the new cars and the electric ones. Everyone that works for me has been in the army or navy.
I ended up texting Jason last night apologising as the boys found out about today and wanted to come along as well, it seemed to pass them by that it was a date so I asked Jason if he wanted to bring Aiden and Josh and we can just ditch them after a bit.
I pulled up to Jason's pack house and as I got out the car, this girl came running out and straight towards me jumping on me bear hugging me, I looked up to see Jason, Aiden and Josh coming out
"Keri get off of him" she climbed off me, looked me up and down "Hi I'm Keri, I'm the idiots sister" I heard Jason huff, I raised my eyebrow at her "So what are you, if he is the idiot?" I said sweetly, she smiled "I like him, but if you hurt my brother I will kill you" she tried to look scary, I just laughed "you do know I'm a Hellhound, that wasn't scary that was adorable" I said as I ruffled her hair, she huffed as she crossed her arms "I don't like him anymore" Jason laughed as he came up to stand next to me. He text me last night to let me know he had told his parents and sister about me.
"Hi Payton" "Hi J, Aiden and Josh" they climbed into my car, I was wearing a royal blue wife beater, with black board shorts, Jason was wearing blue board shorts and a black wife beater he looked sexy without trying, i laughed then turned to start the car "I can't believe we are wearing the opposite colours, we really are a match" he then looked at me then him and started to laugh "Great minds think alike". Josh and Aiden are sitting in the back, I have a mixed playlist of 80's and 90's rock playing "you like the oldies then" Josh said from the back seat "Yeah, my parents would play this all the time, it makes me feel close to them" Jason put his hand over mine, I felt warmth spread up my arm to my heart, I turned to him and smiled "So where are we going driver?" Josh laughed "that's a surprise, but it's about half an hour from my house so from here 50 minutes"
"Oh I opened the box from Will are you happy for me to tell you what was in it?"
Josh nodded "So we bonded over our love of playing basketball, in the box was like 10 tiny basketballs like the size of a 50p no idea what they are for, there was also a lot of pictures like 100 of me and him, some of the team and some of random things and places we had been to that I didn't even know had been taken, they are really good, I knew he liked photography but wow they are amazing. I'm actually going to get frames for some of them and hang them up" "thanks that will mean a lot to him, anything else in the box?" "Yeah, so I have a tattoo of a wolf over my chest and a hound when Will saw the wolf tattoo he told me he had a metal figurine of a wolf that looked like my tattoo, let me tell you it looks nothing like my tattoo but it's a nice wolf depiction"
Aiden straightened up in the back seat "why do you have a tattoo of a wolf and hound?" Jason leaned across to me " I haven't told them about you, all they know is your my mate" I nodded "So the wolf is a personal story that I'm not willing to share with you, but the hound represents me and Echo, I'm a Hellhound"
I looked in the mirror, after a minute "So do you go hunting for lost souls then?" Aiden said looking straight at the mirror "No, I don't go looking for them but if I find any, which as I am a soldier, I do find them regularly I send them on their way" he nods "I have another question" "ok" "do you have red eyes, well does your hound?" "No actually Echo's eye colour look more like Jason's blue, no one could work out why"

I drove out of town but followed the woods, I then turned towards a dirt track and followed it for about a mile, I then pulled in front of a small house, Matt pulled up behind me a few minutes later we all got out, Matt walked over to me " Are you sure your ok with this?" Tilting his head towards the house "Yeah as long as we don't go near the house, I'm fine, so we need to grab everything out both cars it's probably a 10 minute walk from here" I started grabbing everything out the boot, everyone walked past the house, I stood staring at the car, Jason came up to me "are you ok?" "Yeah, this place, ummm this place is a lot for me, I have never been able to sell it but I can't go in it either its stuck in no mans land for me personally" I turned and followed everyone pasted the house.

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