Chapter 16

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I know I'm being selfish but I don't want him going back and the fact I won't be able to be in contact with him constantly is driving me and Rocky insane, my pack is gonna be in for one hell of a ride whilst Payton is away. We have spent as much time together as possible this week, I am laying in Payton's bed with him asleep on my chest, we let out Rocky and Echo last night and they mated, let's just say Rocky wasn't happy with the out come, Echo is large and definitely in charge out of them 2 and had him pinned and bowing down to him way too quickly for my liking but I understand that a 7 foot hellhound has a very large dominant ego, I'm just glad Payton is more laid back maybe that's how they work so well together.
I can't believe how so much has changed in the last 4 weeks, I've gone from being a mate less Alpha to being mates to a male hellhound. Payton started to stir against my chest "morning babe" I get a mumble reply which I think was "Morning" I laughed "I thought soldiers were Morning people" "You do remember what happened last night Echo is a monster, I ache it will take a couple of hours to feel normal again, do you want to grab a shower whilst I lay here a bit longer" and then he was asleep again, I rolled my eyes and got out the bed and walked to the bathroom, 20 minutes later I finished getting dressed, I woke Payton then headed to the kitchen, just as I was laying out the plates with hot pancakes on Payton came up behind me and kissed my neck "They smell nice". We ate our breakfast in a comfortable silence, "Jason, I'm gonna go and visit my family, your welcome to come, it's completely up to you, but I do it every time I leave"
"I will come with you, it will be nice to meet them" he just nodded. The car ride to the cemetery was quiet, I let Payton get out first and I just followed him to the back and he knelt I front of 3 graves, he cleared off the leaves and sticks
"Hi mum, dad, Alex, sorry I haven't been back sooner but I have been away, I'm due to go back tomorrow but it's my last tour then I can visit you more. I would like to introduce Jason to you, he is my boyfriend" I step forward and kneel down next to Payton "Hi Mr and Mrs Knightly and Alex, you raised an amazing son and brother and I'm glad to have him in my life, I'm keeping him for as long as possible" I smiled and kissed him on his forehead, "I'm just gonna be on the bench over there" he nodded. 10 minutes later he came over and sat next to me placing my arm round him "thank you for coming" "that's ok, I will do anything for you" after a couple minutes of silence "What were they like?" "Ummm mum was very care free as long as we were together she was happy, she didn't need expensive things or go to expensive places, she was happy doing anything with us, I think she really loved nature so she felt very at home in the house with the woods around her, I was more like dad, always on the go, he was strict with us but let's us push the boundaries a little" "How did they meet?" "Oh Umm dad had just moved here for work, I'm not sure which type of work if you know what I mean, but anyways he was in the pub with some friends from his job as marketing director and my mum was out with some friends and her friend knocked her drink over dad and one of his mates, they got talking, swapped numbers and the rest was history as they say" "that's a nice story, do you know how your dad told your mum about?" "Oh yeah they had been dating about 5 months and his car broke down, so he said he was gonna be late to her house and that he was going to get a taxi, only he didn't he changed into you know what and took his clothes, when he got to her house he got into the garden and as he was about the change she walked out and screamed the place down as she saw him change, she didn't talk to him for a week, she finally let him in the house to explain everything" "what a way to find out" "yeah apparently she threw everything and anything that was in her reach at him" he laughed then it was silent.
We went back to Payton's house, he packed his bags, we spent the evening wrapped in each other's arms, and just touching and kissing each other afraid to let go, well I'm afraid to let go, I'm so worried something is going to happen I've only just found him and now he is going away, Rocky is so sad and is whimpering in my head all day.
We got ready for bed I'm just staring at Payton, his body is beautiful a work of art created just for me, I'm memorising everything about him, every little detail, he crawls up the bed over me like a predator hunting his dinner his nose is touching my nose "Don't worry babe" he never calls me babe "it's going to be ok, I'm going to be ok, this last tour will go in the blink of an eye and I will be back annoying you and putting your warriors through the Lt Knightly training plan" he smiled at me and kissed me with so much love. I hugged him so he was flat against my chest "I have decided you are not going, your staying with me and that final" he sighs "I wish it was that simple" we get into bed and fall asleep wrapped in each other's arms.

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