Chapter 21

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I'm now in position waiting for the GO from base camp, my team is spread in an arch behind me hidden in the darkness, due to my Hellhound I have no problem with the darkness and don't need the night goggles, I can see everything, I also have very sensitive hearing which is perfect for this type of situation. Even with sensitive hearing I can hear nothing apart from the wind gentle swaying the leaves on the trees, it's surprisingly quite and peaceful.
Through my ear piece "movement on the East side, unknown target" "we have them in our sights.................. No facial visual yet" Beta team stated
Another 5 minutes of silence "visual confirm King is confirmed"
"Good work, waiting on Ace" base camp said
"More movement on the East side, looks like 3 vehicles this time"
"That's more then we expected, please confirm how many get out the vehicles" I said to base camp
"Copy that Alpha Team"
Another 5 minutes went past "10 individuals, 1 confirmed as Ace, that is confirmation of Ace" Beta team stated
"Ready for my signal" base camp said
I was now breathing steady needed to get my heart rate down, needed to focus, get in get out then home to Jason, that's it nice and simple, I closed my eyes and all I could picture was Jason's beautiful face, his gorgeous smile those memorising blue eyes that you can lose your self in and he is all mine I open my eyes and smile to myself
"Go, Go,Go"
I signal to the guys behind me and level up my rifle as we quickly and quietly run towards the compound wall, we line up and I peek round the corner, I signal for the guys behind to go, they run towards the door whilst Turner picks the lock, I'm covering their backs by the time I get to my team, the door is open and we are inside
"Alpha team inside" I say back to base camp
"Beta team inside" "Delta team in position outside"
We were slowly making our way through the compound, we had seen blueprints of the layout but the corridors were so narrow, we had to clear every room we came across and there were a lot of rooms but we hadn't found any people yet which was strange,
"Is it me or is it strange we haven't met anyone in this compound"Wright said through the coms
"I was just thinking that Wright" I said back
"Be on guard" I said, something was definitely not right, we came to a very very large court yard that was in the centre of the compound when I spotted movement, I put my fist up in the air making my team stop and hide against the wall, we haven't been spotted yet.
"Movement in the centre court yard, 5 individuals" I stated to base camp
"Copy that Alpha Team" they still hadn't noticed us I signalled for Turner and Johnson to move round behind them and come from the rear. I crouched down and moved very slowly between 2 very large plant pots, they hid me very nicely, I wanted a closer look at the individuals, I stuck my head out very slowly and my eyes widen with what I saw, I slowly backed away and went back to my team.
"Confirmation I have eyes on Ace, however he has 2 children with him, so 7 individuals at this location"
"Copy that Alpha, proceed with caution" I needed to think for a second Echo was pacing in my head "what's the matter Echo?" "I'm not sure, them kids, they smell different, they smell like us"
"Beta team is ready to take down King"
"Alpha team what's your position"
"We need back up, a distraction so we can get the kids out safe"
"Delta team on route, be there in 2 minutes"
"Copy that Delta team" I said whilst watching the court yard, why aren't they moving, one of the guys then opened a bag very slowly taking out 2......
"They got 2 bombs, i will get the children" I signalled to my team, as Delta turned up "Delta get rid of the bombs" they nodded "Go,Go,Go" was shouted through our ear pieces, as guns went off in Betas direction, this made our individuals turn around, meaning they were distracted,
"Get down on the ground, you are surrounded" I shouted as we came out of hiding with rifles aimed at their heads, the children looked petrified. The men just laughed, in broken English they said "We have bombs, stay back" I walked slowly towards them "I will put my gun down if you give up the kids" they pulled the kids in front, they were trying to use them as shields
"I've got eyes on bomb on the left" someone in Delta said
"I've got eyes on bomb on the right" someone else in Delta said
"Hold for my signal" I whispered, I put my gun on the ground "see no gun" I walk over it and crouch down to the kids level "Are you ok?" They both nodded "Stop talking to them" I was to far to try and grab them, I was slowly making my move to grab my gun that was in my boot "Go,Go,Go" I whisper shouted, as I pulled up and started to shoot, at that moment 5 more guys came from the right side and started shooting at us, I ran towards the kids who headed for the giant plant pots and grabbed them just as one of the bombs was dropped.
I felt the blast against my back, my ears were ringing, my sight was blurry, I remember curling myself round the children trying to protect them from the blast and all the debris of the plant pots, I vaguely remember some one shouting "Ace is down, bring back to base", then darkness and quietness.

My Soldier My MateOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora