Chapter 31

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We have decided to keep the twins a surprise to our family, it's been 2 months since we met them, the social workers weren't very happy about not meeting the family but they let us get on with it, we purchased everything they could possibly need, we have bunk beds at the moment but once the house is built we have told them they will have separate rooms and they can pick out a new bed and pick the colour of the walls. They are so happy, I'm glad that they accept us and are happy to be around us, we told them they can't meet our wolf and hellhound until the adoption goes through, basically we can't let them near the pack house, which is a shame, myself and Payton are really struggling to not tell everyone what is going on. Though it has helped that everyone in the pack is too busy sorting out the wedding apart from Payton, Payton knows nothing, I have set the date for 3 months time, so the twins can be involved in the wedding.

Paris is no longer, we didn't tell the pack when it happened and we left it another week, to make sure that Davis could have some peace after the event, Luke and Zac have been the best friends anyone could wish for, they were there when the connection was cut apparently they said it looked like he was having a seizure, you can tell he is sad, hurt, depressed but he is definitely trying, he is back working and has even started working on his car again, he likes fixing up old cars mmmmm I wonder if Payton could get him a job as a mechanic
I mindlinked Payton "did you ever fill the position for a mechanic?" "Ummm with everything that happened, we ended up using a temp and he left last week why?" "Just thinking do you think Davis would be interested?" "That's a good idea, I will ask him when I see him, love you"
"So guys as we said before this is our temporary home, our new home is being built and will be ready in a couple of months"
"Thanks it's lovely" star said clinging to Payton, she is a daddy's girl. We told Star and Rain they can call us Payton and Jason or Daddy and Papa. Star said Daddy and Papa nearly straight away after the first meeting, Rain mostly calls us by our names but has started to call Payton Daddy when he is really excited. They have been in our home and official adopted for 24 hours we are going over to the pack house, we told our family we had a surprise that we wanted to show them.
"I'm so nervous" Payton whispered in my ear "it's going to be fine baby"
Star was holding onto Payton and Rain was holding my hand as we walked into the pack house, no one noticed at first.
"Daddy what are they doing?" Star said to Payton making everyone stop and turn. my mum and sister screamed and started to run towards us, the kids hid behind us, myself and Payton both growled making mum and my sister stop and hold up their hands.
"Can you guys go into the lounge, we will follow" after a few minutes of calming the kids we walked in with the kids buried in our chests and everyone smiling at us.
"So when I was over seas, I meet these two angels and realised they were like me, they got caught up in the accident I was in, they didn't have any family that anyone could fine so we asked to adopt them and as of yesterday they are official ours, so I would like to introduce Star who is in my hands and Rain who Jason is holding" everyone started cooing after a little while the kids got involved with our family they loved Matt but he is a big kid anyways. This was the perfect day, seeing my family it was definitely complete with Payton and the kids.

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