Chapter 25

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Payton (from when the the bomb went off)

Pain all I feel is pain, Echo screamed and whimpered in my head then darkness and silence.

Someone is talking, but they sound like they are under water or am I under water, I'm so confused, I try to move, open my eyes but I can't, I think I can hear a helicopter, why is there a helicopter.

Time skip
Matt I can hear Matt, he sounds like he is crying why would he be crying, why can't I open my eyes, I try talking to Echo but I get no answer something is very wrong, I'm worried. I'm so tired I'm just going to sleep.

Time skip
I can feel tingles and I only get tingles from......... I can't remember his name, I know it's a guy and I know he is important to me, it's on the tip of my tongue but it's not connecting to my brain, it's so frustrating.
"Payton what happened to us?"
"Echo thank god, I don't know, I can't wake up, everything is in fragments"
"Everything is going to be ok, we just need time to heal and that's probably why we can't wake up"

Time skip
I can feel that guy playing with my fingers, tingles are shooting through me way too fast it feels like I'm having a seizure.
I grab hold of his hand and manage to open me eyes, there are loads of people around me but I am stuck staring at the guy holding my hand, why can't I remember his name, nurses are talking to me but nothing is registering in my brain. I'm breathing heavily my heart feels happy and sad.
"Echo do you know this guy? He is important to us but I can't remember his name, I remember something about a pack house and werewolves. I think his name starts with an R or is it a J"
"I can't remember either, just speak to him"
Finally everyone left leaving me and this guy, he came over to me with a glass of water which I took, my throat was dry and sore from the tube. The guy grab my hands and sat down next to me "Payton I'm so glad your ok, you scared me so much, I thought I was going to lose you" he was crying and sniffling, ok here goes
"Ummm" he looked up at me "I'm really sorry this is going to sound awful but I can't remember you" he looked like he had been hit in the heart and it made my heart hurt, oh god I don't want to hurt him.
"I remember bits, it's so messed up in my head, I know that your a......werewolf" which I whispered "And your the Alpha and I have been to the pack house, I know you are important to me because I could feel you every time you touched me, I felt sparks and tingles" this made him smile through the tears, he was nodding his head "I know your name is on the tip of my tongue but when I go the say it my mind goes blank, I think it starts with a J or a R, am I close?" I didn't realise I was crying until he wiped my tears away.
"Oh baby, I think you must have hit your head, you are mostly correct my name is Jason and my wolf is Rocky, we will help you get your memory back, let me go and get the doctors and see what they say" he slipped out the room and was back in less than 2 minutes
"Hi Payton I'm Dr Newham, Jason said you can't remember him, what do you remember?"
"I remember bits, I remember coming home for a funeral, I remember going clubbing with the guys and Jason, but I personally don't remember his name, like I know he was round my house and I have been to his and we hung out with friends and went on dates but I don't remember the details or where or when if you get what I mean, I remember getting redeployed and everything along with that, I remember being In the back of the army truck then nothing"
"Ok that's pretty good,do you remember the accident that lead you to being in hospital?"
"All I remember is 2 kids twins I think, but nothing else" the doctor nodded "I think you have short term memory loss, you hit your head very hard, I think we should monitor it but you should start remember things slowly and I think once your up and about doing things it will come back quicker, I will come back and check on you later, just take it easy don't try and push the memories to come back" Jason thanked he doctor
Echo started bouncing in my head "I remember Rocky!!!"
"I'm glad someone does" I rolled my eyes
"You talking to Echo" I nodded he wanted to grab my hands and hesitated so I grabbed his instead and smiled at him "he remembers Rocky which is good, hopefully if he starts remembering then I should follow, so do you know what happened to me?"
"No, Matt, couldn't tell me"
"I remember Matt, well how could anyone forget Matt" I giggled
"Who is forgetting Matt" Matt said walking in, he saw me and ran to the bed hugging me
"I'm not going to cry but thank god your ok"he said wiping his tears
"So why are you not forgetting me?" He looked at me then Jason
"I've lost my short term memory, I've got bits and pieces but nothing in order and I can't remember who Jason is, well I do know, it's hard to explain, I know he is important to me, I know he is my boyfriend......but everything else is scrambled, I don't remember anything about the mission apart from 2 children were they twins, are they ok?"
Matt scratched his chin, looked at the door which was closed then looked at Jason and sighed
"Ok, Jason what is said in here can never be repeated outside of us got it?" Jason nodded
"We were going after King and Ace following on from The hostage situation, do you remember that?" I nodded
"Ok, 3 teams went in yours, mine and Deltas, Delta was back up. We ended up getting King, you found Ace but he had 2 kids as hostages and the people he was with had bombs"
It all started to flash before my eyes, it was so painful my hands were over my eyes I must have cried out in pain because Jason was asking if I was ok and I think Matt rushed out the room. Slowly the images faded and the pain behind my eyes wore off and I managed to open them to see the pain in my mates face "please turn off the lights, it's hurting my eyes, I remembered everything, it all came flooding back as Matt said about the 2 kids"
The doctor turned the lights down "well I wasn't expecting you to remember that quickly but that's good, I will get the nurse to come in with some pain killers they will probably knock you out for the night, so you 2 guys might as well go home and get some sleep" with that he left and the nurse came in with my pain killers, Matt said his good byes and left leaving me and Jason "I feel awful I can't believe I forgot your name and Rockys" "it's ok Payton, you only forgot my name you still knew I was part of your life, I would have spent every moment making you remember me and Rocky" I started yawning "Ok baby you get some sleep I will be over around lunchtime tomorrow, I love you".

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