Chapter 22

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Around 10 chapters left.

It's been 2 days since Payton phoned me, Rocky is not happy, he keeps whining that he can't feel Echo but I thought he couldn't feel him once they left, and when I ask him to explain he shuts down, I'm stressed and confused and that is why I am pacing my office at 11pm on a Friday night
"We are under attack, North side, Rogues, around 10 of them" one of my patrol guards mind linked the pack.
"You know the drill women, children and anyone unable to fight get to the shelters" I mindlink the pack as I strip out my clothes and shift into my wolf and bound for the North side as I get mindlinked "East side, Rogues around 10 again" "Aiden you go East I will go North" "Got it". It takes me around 5 minutes to get to the action and when I do I'm thrown straight into it when a rogue comes straight for my neck but I manage to duck and he flys over me I jump on his back and start to claw at him, I finally get his neck in my jaws and clamp down. I look up for my next target when I notice that the rogues don't have red eyes this means they are a pack, it doesn't make sense, I look around and see there are only 3 "rogues" left, so I shift back into my human form and then shout I am Alpha Jason of the Blue Moon Pack, you three rogues will shift back NOW!" No one can refuse an Alpha command, someone in my pack grabs clothes and throws then at the rogues. "Take them to the cells" I said to Ryder as I mindlinked Aiden that we had 3 in the cells and the rest died did he need help.
Aiden brings back two rogues to the cells, we didn't lose anyone just a few cuts and bruises that will heal.  I decided to leave everyone in the cells over night and deal with them in the morning, I was hoping for a decent nights sleep but I didn't get one, Rocky is not happy which In turn is making me unhappy which unfortunately for the rogues means they are in for a rough morning.
I met with Aiden and Ryder as we head to the cells under the pack house. "How are the rogues doing?" I asked Ryder
"They were fine over night, a few cuts and bruises, they have all healed, we haven't given them anything to eat only water" I nodded as I opened the heavy metal door and looked at the corridor "Do you know if there is a leader within the five?" I said to Aiden, Before he could answer
"I will answer all questions on behalf of everyone in the cells" the guy said from the cell on my right, "you heard the man, let's speak to him, open up the door Ryder" Ryder did as asked, I walked in with Aiden and Ryder behind me, who closed the door. I crossed my arms over my chest and looked the man up and down, he was probably late 20's, he wasn't an Alpha, my guessing a Beta, before I could open my mouth.
"I'm done, completely done, so to try and save my family, my pack I will tell you what's happened the last 6 months and you can decide our fate, ok?" He looks me straight in the eyes, I nod, whilst leaning against the wall
"My name is Cain and I am or was, I'm not sure now the Beta of our pack, our pack was hidden away in the highlands, not many people or packs knew about us. One day we were ambushed by hunters they killed the Alpha and Luna, rounded us all up, took all the women and young children and left all the men. We were told we needed to find a Hellhound and bring him back to the hunters and when we did this we would get our pack back"
I looked at him for a minute or two, "how did you know the hellhound was part of this pack?" "We didn't we were told he lived round here as a child and that was the last known where abouts of him so I thought it was best to start here"
I turned to Aiden and Ryder and Mindlinked them "What do you think, is he telling the truth?" They both agreed he was telling the truth. "Why can't it be this easy all the time" Ryder whined I snorted as I pulled myself from the wall "Ok come with me" Cain looked confused for a moment but followed me, I turned to Ryder "bring the other 4 men to the guest rooms but they are not to leave the rooms, food to be brought to them and guards stationed outside the rooms at all times" he nodded and walked off.
We walked to my office, I motioned for him to sit, Aiden closed the door and sat in the corner. "Ok Cain, I believe you" he relaxed into his seat "What is your pack called ?" "The Midnight Highland Pack" I nodded "how many in the pack?" "There were 75 of us before the hunters" I nodded again not much I could say to that. " Do you know why they wanted the Hellhound?" He shook his head "Do you know who is the leader of the hunters?" " it looks like a husband and wife team as they said babe and sweetheart a lot but never said names" "when you captured the Hellhound what were you to do?" "I was to phone them and then bring him to them" I was pacing back and forth behind my desk, usually I know what to do but I'm stuck, this is Payton's life and he isn't even here. My thought process is interrupted by Cain "So do you know who the Hellhound is or where he is?" "He is my mate and I currently do not know where he is, as he is in the army on tour" "Oh, so the hunters sent us to death, because we can't bring him to them if he isn't in the country" I sent Cain to his room and Aiden home, I needed time to think, what would Payton want me to do.

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