Chapter 20

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2 long hard months of laying in sand, hiding in bushes for hours and hours watching and recording peoples movements, learning their patrols, their whole lives. If we weren't doing that we were in the gym or asleep, usually I lived for this but now, I want to be at home, I want to be asleep next to Jason, Echo wants to be running with Rocky. Wright finally got the all clear and joined us 4 weeks later.
So in the last 2 months we have found King and Ace hiding in a village acting as brothers and have purchased land and a biggish house on the outskirts of it. They very rarely leave the compound unless it's to go out to eat all business is done inside the compound, we managed to get a tiny camera into the compound but that died last week.

I was in the middle of talking to Jason, it was the first time I had been able to phone home (home never thought I would get to call someone home but Jason is my home, I guess it's the mate bond, but I like it, a lot) when I heard shouting and the Delta team running in
"We need to move, looks like they are moving out the compound" we all gather round the table which held the map of the compound.
"What do you mean they are moving out?" I stated at the leader of the Delta team "my men were in town and heard people saying they are being paid to move furniture onto trucks that are turning up in 3 days and that they want the place completely cleared out and they can take whatever is left after they are gone" when he finished his speech everyone got into action.
Colonel James was going to lead over all our teams from base camp. "Ok teams, we have known this was coming we are after Ace but if we take down King at the same time that would be a great achievement, so based on that, Alpha team you are going after Ace, Beta team you are going after King, Delta team you will cover the Alpha team first and foremost but if Beta team need help you assist" with that we finalised where we would breach and where our pick up points would be if anything should happen.
"Right boys, get your team ready eat, sleep and be ready at 18 hundred hours"
"Yes sir" we all said.
18 hundred hours came, we all got into the trucks and made our way to our mini base which was hidden away from the compound we are watching, there is no laughing or talking loud everyone has their game face on, it's serious, all talking it kept to a minimum and very hushed if needed, we are just waiting for the green light to get into our positions, basically we need the sun to set completely which is in an hour, so people are doing their rituals, some pray, some clean their guns or rifles, others like me have a set way of doing things, I get dressed in a set way making sure my bullet proof vest is on, and on tight, then I write a letter, I always wrote one for Matt this time I'm writing one for Jason, which seems so strange but right, if anything happens to me, I need to make sure he is ok and Rocky doesn't go insane as I know that is possible.  Something in my gut is telling me that I need to write this letter, I've always felt nervous before an assignment but something just doesn't feel right this time, Echo is pacing and whimpering, my head just isn't in the game. I finish my letter and put it in my pocket over my heart. Matt taps me on the shoulder and motions for me to follow him outside.

"You ready for this?" Matt said in a hushed tone, I shook my head and leant into him so only he could hear "Something doesn't feel right, I can't explain it, Echo is jumpy and pacing something is definitely wrong please please be careful" Matt looks me in the eye "Payton I've never seen you like this, I will be extra careful and you too" we sit in silence for a couple of minutes watching the sun slowly setting, it's very romantic and I would love to be here watching it with Jason instead I'm getting ready to storm a compound, until someone comes up to us "it's time" we follow them back indoors to collect our stuff.

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