Chapter 18

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It's been a month, one long long long month and I'm going crazy and Rocky is going insane, I have spent most of my time in the office or the gym, basically keeping out of everyone's way, Aiden as my Beta has been getting the brunt of my anger, I don't know how much long he is going to last.
"That's it" the door swings open and in walks Aiden, "you made another person cry" I shrug my shoulders "she was annoying me, her voice was annoying" he rolled his eyes "you can't keep doing this Jason, everyone is stepping on nails every time they see you, you can't run the pack like this, why don't we let our wolves out and go for a run?" I tilted my head, that's not a bad idea but my train of thought was interrupted by my mum, she had a massive smile on her face whilst waving a letter at me "I believe this is for you" she put it down in front of me, it was addressed to me, huh, I turned it over on the back it said Army, Oh God it's Payton, I picked it up, I was nervous to open it "do you think something has happened?" I looked at mum and the Aiden "I can't feel our connection so I have no idea if something has happened" "Just open it and we can deal with it" I sighed and ripped open the letter

Hi Babe
Sorry I can't phone, but I found out someone was getting a flight out so I asked them to post an old fashioned letter, it's cute I think.
Anyways we have been training like crazy, I've been very lonely and Echo is depressed but we are counting down the days. I told the team that I'm out after this 'show down' and they have all decided what they are doing as well, but I can explain when I speak to you in person.
I hope you aren't being to grumpy or to angry at your pack, it's not their fault, just take a deep breath if something or someone is annoying you or just stay at my place if you need a break. I hope Rocky is good and is going on lots of runs, you don't want him locked up to much let him have fun, you could even run over by the lake.
I heard that you will be holding another meeting for the tech company, I'm never going to be able to go to one am I, your making it Impossible, just joking.
Whilst I have been here, I have had an idea, I own the land round my house I think about 100 acres maybe you can look into that, but I believe it joins your land, could we merge it all together, I know a lot of people don't know it's private property maybe you could help me out and put posts out around the boundary lines so we don't get in unwanted guests and maybe start planting trees, shrubs and bushes to make thick boundary lines, what do you think??
Anyways, I've got to go.
Love you

I look up and Aiden and mum are still standing there "well what did the boy say?" Mum impatient as always, I just hand them the letter so they can both read "Aww how cute" my mum gushed then left the room, Aiden handed me the letter back "it's not a bad idea what he was saying, it would give you something to do, and I'm sure we could have it done by the time he gets back, I can go to the land register office and get the layout of Payton's property boundaries then we can get some of the guys to put in a small wooden fence and start planting trees etc to make it harder for people to just wonder in, it would definitely give us more land to work with and more hunting ground to run".

After the letter and once it was dusk we went over to Payton's land and shifted into our wolves and let them run free whilst checking out is boundaries, he land is good has lots of thick trees obliviously the lake is great but like he said the boundaries aren't noticeable so that will need to be changed, adding thick bushes will definitely help. Even tho Rocky can't smell Echo he definitely feels happier out here, I will try to come out here more regularly.
"Alpha we need you back here now! Rogues have been spotted on the north border"
"Thanks Ridley, returning now, keep a watch on them don't attack unless they go first" I closed the mindlink
We got back in the car and drove back to the pack house. Ridley met us out the front of the house. "They seemed to be testing our patrols, I think we need to add more patrols" "I agree  Ridley, Aiden can you update the schedule and I will contact the surrounding packs see if they have had any problems with Rogues and maybe I will send Ryders team out for a little hunt tomorrow see what information they can find" I said as I walked into the house and up to the office to make some calls.
By lunchtime the next day Ryder, myself and Aiden were in my office.
"We went and scouted out the area as discussed, there has definitely been activity around the borders on the north and East, we followed the path of both areas, we think it's the same wolves we found 6 different scents, we lost the scent about 3 miles out we did go further but couldn't pick up any scents and couldn't find anything that looked like a base or any disturbance in the land they must be hiding further a field"
"Thanks Ryder, I spoke to Alpha Grant and Alpha Radley neither have had any problems with Rogues but are going to send out tracking teams to check and get back to me, how are the new patrols going Aiden?"
"I have doubled them and instead of 2 people per group there is now 4 of a nighttime" I nodded in agreement "Ok good, if anything changes we will meet up again but for now it's business as usual"  Ryder walked to the door and opened turning "Aiden, Alpha" then closed the door behind him
"I don't understand why are rogues sniffing around, could they be interested in Payton being a hellhound?" Aiden stated whilst looking out the window "I have no idea but it does seem strange we haven't had rogues in years but it could just be coincidence" "I guess".

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